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Intern starvation diet

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  • Intern starvation diet

    My husband doesn't have time to eat at all during the day, but he does have time to drink some old coffee that he carries with him all day long (a sip here, etc., which I think is gross...)

    Anyway, have any of you used any type of supplement/protein drink or something in place of a sit-down meal?

    BTW, my main concern is that he's a little bit grumpy when he gets home after not eating for about 12 hours or so... So while I'd like to claim my concern for his health and welfare, etc., it's a bit more of a survival issue for me!

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

  • #2
    protein bars.

    dont buy a lot of them, just a few in different brands...until he finds some he likes. i cruise the health isle at both wal-mart and target.

    nutri crunch is good...the brand name "power bar" gross and expensive.

    good luck getting him to eat...and sending him non grump vibes.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #3
      I believe my dh used to steal whatever "food" there was for patients in the cantina on the unit.

      $700 on a meal card? That the department paid for? What is it with these programs?? I think my dh used to get ONE meal card when he was on call (as though he had time to use it).


      • #4
        Detour bars are sooo wonderful.
        - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


        • #5

          Tell him to go up to the neurology suite and get a peanut butter sandwich.

          or even better, tell him to keep a jar in his bag and to buy a loaf of bread at the Class 6 by the Burger King. They also sell all of the bars, etc. there plus gatorade, etc.

          and the little take-out cafeteria isn't bad if all he wants is a salad or something.

          The peds clinic usually has Peanut butter and a loaf of bread in their fridge as well.



          • #6
            Dh also gets a paid meal card (we need that hiding emoticon...Kris? ), if it weren't for that I'm pretty sure he'd starve. The staff have a "stocked" cafeteria where they can eat but its all cold sandwiches and DH only eats there when he has to or when its the end of the year and his meal card is out.

            I would agree that protein bars would be the way to go, they will fit in the pocket of their white coat and can be eaten on the run.
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #7
              Oh, the cafeteria at WRAMC is extremely well-subsidized- like an entire meal with dessert will cost MAYBE 2 dollars. It's just that it closes early so if you're stuck there, you're limited to whatever you've brought.



              • #8
                My DH usually goes all day without eating, too, unless they have a catered conference.


                • #9
                  My DH is also starving himself. He'll be up all night on call then not eat breakfast or lunch. And worse, I'm sure he is not drinking enough either. The protein bars are a good idea but it is annoying because he gets free food at the hospital, just no time to eat!


                  • #10
                    Thanks! I knew you all would have ideas!

                    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

