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Bunnies, earwigs & Scorpions Oh MY!

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  • Bunnies, earwigs & Scorpions Oh MY!

    I walked outside the sliding door and startled a turtle dove that took off and subsequently startled a baby bunny that ...any guess?? Yes that's right it jumped into the pool. So it was Bunny Rescuer II .

    The pest control service treated the house for bugs, but the earwigs must be immune...we are finding them daily! Yuck!

    July 4TH DS1 finds a LARGE (as in over 3 inches when its tail is straightened out) scorpion hiding near the base board behind the window treatment :horror: !!!! Sat the 7TH DS1 finds another one upstairs crawling on the wall near the door to the girls; room :horror: :horror: .
    yesterday, the 11TH, my cleaning lady find one when it darts across the floor from behind the toilet, this one was a baby not quite 1/2 an inch...which leads me to fear that it may have siblings near by :horror: :horror: :horror: it's color was identical to the stone tile in the bathroom, which means any of us could easily step on the creepy little F !#$ ers!!!!!! yep that's 3 in one week :thud: !!!

  • #2
    I'll keep my snow and you can keep your scorpions! YIKES!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Note to self: Stay in SA where the cockroaches may be the size of small dogs but they won't hurt you!


      PS- Can the pest control people do anything about the scorpians or do the scorpians just laugh at them?


      • #4
        I'm adding scorpions to my list of deal-breaker places to live. You're very, very brave.


        • #5
          screw that. now im not even visiting.
          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


          • #6
            Originally posted by DCJenn
            Note to self: Stay in SA where the cockroaches may be the size of small dogs but they won't hurt you!
            And don't they have wings and fly down there too? Eeek! That's why I love the Midwest! It makes that spider on my vaulted ceiling not so scary!


            • #7
              Yuck! I guess we are lucky to be in an apartment, the guys seem to be spraying around the place pretty frequently. I still worry about stepping on a scorpion when I walk up to the pool in the dark.
              I have seen roaches around but they are small, like pinky finger sized. Is that as big as they get around here? The only other place I have seen them in my life was Australia, and they were like mouse sized and all over the hostel we were living in. That was gross.


              • #8
                PS- Can the pest control people do anything about the scorpians or do the scorpians just laugh at them?
                yep...they laugh until their food source dies from the spraying, then they crawl out from the nooks and cranies looking for food. I just want to find a nice pet that would go around and eat the earwigs and scorpions.

                Aside from the Bunny there is another pleasant crittter encounter going on around here. A pair of Quails have taken refuge on our property along w/ there dozen or so teeny tiny babies! In the AM they are usually gathered on the covered patio, just outside the sliding cute!

                Oh Sylvia...for gosh sakes you have skinks crawling on you!!!

                Bugs: I hate to break it to you, but the scorpions make it into Apts. as well. One of the scorpion stories I saw on the news was that of a woman who had an infestation in her Apt. She even was stung by one of them. The bug spray doesn't kill them...they usually sprinkle diatomaceous earth near the door threshold, to try and get the ones that might come in. If they get DE on them thye will eventually die after a few minutes / up to an hour or so.


                • #9
                  A pair of Quayles...
                  Not to make fun...but this made me laugh and think of this....

                  I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican.
                  Dan Quayle

                  Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.
                  Dan Quayle, 11/30/88

                  Sorry, I am in no way, making fun of the misspelling, I know what you are talking about, quail- the little birds. But it just made me laugh. Please don't be offended!

                  BTW, scorpions can be found in Kansas as well. When I was living with my parents (in southcental KS), we could find them in the washing machine, the shower, the bathroom...etc. The sting isn't too bad, not any worse than the sting from a hornet. Unless it is on your inner thigh....then it hurts like a sum-b****.
                  I have been stung on several occasions. On the foot, and yes, the inner thigh...apparently the clothes dryer is a great place for them to strategize for their next mark.


                  • #10
                    Been in Phoenix more than a year now and have yet to see a scorpion (knock on wood). Was kind of worried last summer because we had crickets galore around our house. But this year I've only seen about two of them -- the cat must have scared them away, the fierce hunter he is and all. About our biggest annoyance is pigeons. Wish scorpions could eat those. Haven't seen any of the coyotes everyone’s been worked up about lately either, and the most fearsome snake I've seen so far is a baby king. Just a bunch of dumb pigeons. (Not that I'm complaining.)


                    • #11
                      A pair of Quayles...

                      Not to make fun...but this made me laugh and think of this....

                      I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican.
                      Dan Quayle

                      Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.
                      Dan Quayle, 11/30/88

                      Sorry, I am in no way, making fun of the misspelling, I know what you are talking about, quail- the little birds. But it just made me laugh. Please don't be offended!

                      BTW, scorpions can be found in Kansas as well. When I was living with my parents (in southcental KS), we could find them in the washing machine, the shower, the bathroom...etc. The sting isn't too bad, not any worse than the sting from a hornet. Unless it is on your inner thigh....then it hurts like a sum-b****.
                      I have been stung on several occasions. On the foot, and yes, the inner thigh...apparently the clothes dryer is a great place for them to strategize for their next mark.

                      Hey Matt! I actually thought I corrected that before I posted must be from all those years of living in IN.

                      Warning: The following post might be offesive to some viewers proceed w/ a sense of humor!

                      If I saw a little Dan & Marilyn running around my property... well let's just say it would be Quail err uh Quayle hunting season...I could invite Dick...he'd have a blast, he could always claim to have shot both , even w/ one hit. I know I know :huh: keep my day job

                      Matt were the ones you encountered Bark Scorpions these are the ones we have here. They are actually poisonous ... and can be deadly to infants and the elderly!

                      I have encountered a live snake in the pool, all sorts of little lizzards, Black Widow, Cyotes,and of course the scorpions.
                      When it comes to Scorpions there are hot zones in and around the Valley,I'm just fortunate to live in an active pocket of a hot zone


                      • #12
                        Well, lizards are just so much a part of the landscape that I guess I didn't count them. Maybe they ate our scorpions. And from what I've read, the sting from a bark scorpion is no joke, especially for little kids. Isn't a bark scorpion about the only one really dangerous to people? Of course it's what we have here.


                        • #13
                          Matt, I lived in KS for 22 years luckily I think I remember one scorpion and that was in the old farm house that we moved into that had been vacant for many years - I hate scorpions.
                          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by gmdcblack
                            BTW, scorpions can be found in Kansas as well.
                            :run: I'm in Kansas!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by gmdcblack
                              BTW, scorpions can be found in Kansas as well.
                              I can't hear you la la la la la la la la la ....

