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Bunnies, earwigs & Scorpions Oh MY!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by pinkpickles

    Bugs: I hate to break it to you, but the scorpions make it into Apts. as well. One of the scorpion stories I saw on the news was that of a woman who had an infestation in her Apt. She even was stung by one of them. The bug spray doesn't kill them...they usually sprinkle diatomaceous earth near the door threshold, to try and get the ones that might come in. If they get DE on them thye will eventually die after a few minutes / up to an hour or so.
    Oh crap!

    Roscablo, we have seen coyotes several times up at south mountain at dusk. I'd never seen one before moving here so I think they are pretty cool.


    • #17
      I got up to get a glass of water last night and while standing near the kitchen counter,I glanced up and there was another one of those F#@kers...

      I made DH get out of bed and get it! The bug man is coming out next Fri for a re-treat, for the earwigs, and then they will quote me a price for sealing the house from scorpions.

      I actually read an article from a company in TX that specializes in DE (diatomaceous earth).
      They actually work w/ builders profalactically. They lay 2 inches of the stuff on the slab of the house any creepy crawly that get's under there dies before it can get into the house. Man Texans are great at killing things!


      • #18
        Originally posted by DCJenn
        Note to self: Stay in SA where the cockroaches may be the size of small dogs but they won't hurt you!


        PS- Can the pest control people do anything about the scorpians or do the scorpians just laugh at them?
        Ummmm....Jenn, SA has some majorly huge, evil scorpions! Even in the urban areas!

        Seriously, just about every person I've known who has moved in on the north side of the city has found several of the nasty things in their homes when they arrived!

        Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
        With fingernails that shine like justice
        And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


        • #19
          Maybe the scorpians downtown fought at the Alamo and lost!

          Maybe it's too urban or something? I'll have to ask.



          • #20
            All of the stray cats probably kill them...

            Who knows? :huh:
            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #21
              Originally posted by pinkpickles
              and then they will quote me a price for sealing the house from scorpions.
              and you will then promptly write them a check and have it done. I don't care what your dh or his meddling parents think of the price ... if there is a way to seal the house from scorpions, then I'd give a month's pay to have it done.


              • #22
                BTW: I know that pest control companies CAN spray specifically for scorpions - and it works!

                My pest control company back in TX did this and by the time they left anything that was alive in the house (namely scorpions) had croaked - the scorpions that came in under the doors later would last about three feet and then just...die. :stars:

                I know they used about three different types of poison inside and outside of the house AND diatamaceous (sp?) earth around the plumbing (they will crawl in through the openings).

                We don't have any rodents, either. Between the vultures, hawks, huge lizards (we're talking a foot long here, people), coyotes, the man-eating tarantulas, and various snakes I would be terribly surprised if any rodent could make it past infanthood around here.

                What my pest control guy explained to us is that here, at least, they live and breed under the limestone rocks - which are plentiful - as in you could build a couple of houses from just what is lying around on the ground on my acreage. Under every one of these rocks - large and small - is at least one scorpion. And, they crawl into the house (mine being constructed primarily of limestone - including most of the floors and the exterior walls - their primary habitate, oh joy) searching for a meal. For us, at least, the scorpions have a wonderful habitat outside and we just happened to build in the middle of it. Nice.
                Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                With fingernails that shine like justice
                And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                • #23
                  OK must do me a big old favor...find out what type of chemical spray they used to off your scorpions...I am guessing it may very well be a TX thing. I can't imagine it not being used here. Are the scorpions you are referring to Bark Scorpions , like the one pictured in my blog, or some other kind?

                  Now that I have gotten my questions for Jenn out of the way, guess what DH rescued from the pool today! A lizard had either fallen or decided to take a dip! He was about 10in. The kids were thrilled , because DH put him in a small plastic storage box so they could examine him up close. We snapped a few pics of him & then released him! Once the photos are uploaded I'll post them here.

                  and you will then promptly write them a check and have it done.
                  OH JP you are so right about that!


                  • #24
                    Holy cow! We've lived in NM our whole lives and have actually never seen a scorpion, although I know they exist here since our hockey team is named the scorpions! How the heck are you supposed to kill them when you do find them???
                    Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                    • #25
                      My houskeeper and I found 2 more scorpions!

                      and yes, KCJenn, we are sealing the house no matter what they quote us!


                      • #26
                        I'm no expert but I think you have a scorpion problem

                        Might as well just keep 'em around as pets or something. A great way to entertain guests from out of town. Now just get a rattlesnake or two to go with them and you can have lots of fun.

