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  • (not)MyERAS

    Anyone else helping their spouse with TheirERAS right now? We've got HisERAS just about finished. Should I tell him his password now? (He did work on his Personal Statement). He gets really frustrated working on little details on forms, it's easier for me. He is probably over applying - but we are worried about another tough match year for EM - and of course want to match somewhere. I know he's a good candidate, but I worry because it is out of my control! Maybe we will second think the number. He absolutely loves where he's rotating right now. I like it here too, and so do our kids. Can't we just match here? Please?

  • #2
    The Match is a stressful, horrible process. Every year thousands of med students get to go through this torture. I know, I've heard the arguments on why it is needed. I just don't happen to agree. The process sucks. You have my sympathies!! It is out of your control. All your dh can do now is get everything in on time, push to get the SLORs in, do his best on clinical rotations adn the rest is out of his control too.


    • #3
      Originally posted by oceanchild
      I'm actually kind of looking forward to match, but I like random adventures, especially when my husband comes too.
      Someone save this so as March 17th (or whatever) approaches we can remind her.

      I honesty think Match is one of those little torture devices they design to see if you're really nutty enough to go through residency.


      • #4
        Re: (not)MyERAS

        Originally posted by monadatter
        Anyone else helping their spouse with TheirERAS right now? We've got HisERAS just about finished. Should I tell him his password now? (He did work on his Personal Statement). He gets really frustrated working on little details on forms, it's easier for me. He is probably over applying - but we are worried about another tough match year for EM - and of course want to match somewhere. I know he's a good candidate, but I worry because it is out of my control! Maybe we will second think the number. He absolutely loves where he's rotating right now. I like it here too, and so do our kids. Can't we just match here? Please?
        This was me last year. He did of course write and upload his personal statement but I did everything else, EVERYTHING, including printing up the forms for him to take to his letter writers. Unfortunately, filling out ERAS is the easiest part of the whole match process. Good luck to you guys.


        • #5
          Actually this was the one paperwork type thing that I didnt end up doing for DH. He didnt even tell me that he had applied to a gazillion programmes, and then applied to a bunch more later on when he wasnt getting enough positive feedback! It all worked out in the end but I would not want to go through that again!

