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cruise control

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  • #16
    I don't like it and never use it.

    My parents have both had bad experiences with it.
    1. My dad was using cc on a highway and when he braked for a red light the cc did not turn off. The engine kept revving while he tried to stop the car with the brakes. He had to turn the car off while driving to make it stop. I remind DH of this every time he uses cc on trips.
    2. My step-mom hydroplaned on a wet road while her cc was speeding up to resume speed and she went off the road and hit a tree.

    Maybe these are just two random, isolated incidents, but I'm too much of a control freak. I want to tell the car what to do.


    • #17
      I have to say - in my non-cruise-control using defense - that I have no issues maintaining speed on the highway. I always use the right lane unless passing. Personally, I always thought those idiot drivers with the variable speeds were toggling their cruise control on and off when the flow of traffic changed speed. Just goes to show you that we all have different perspectives. I have a step dad that uses cruise control until he rams up the butt of the driver in front of him....then turns it off, curses, changes lanes....and resets it moments later. I prefer to ease off the gas and slow down, pass, then speed up again. I'm so anal about driving I always stay within 4 mph of the speed limit in the right lane. Yep - that's me over there. And I get great mileage. I'm not buying the "world would be a better place and idiot drivers would not exist if we all used cruise control" line. I think there are bad cruise control users and bad non-cruise control users.

      Like George Carlin says....the guy going faster than you is a always a maniac and the guy going slower is an idiot. We all think we are perfect.
      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • #18
        Originally posted by Sheherezade
        I have to say - in my non-cruise-control using defense - that I have no issues maintaining speed on the highway. I always use the right lane unless passing.

        I'm not buying the "world would be a better place and idiot drivers would not exist if we all used cruise control" line.
        I think I could make the opposite argument.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sheherezade
          Like George Carlin says....the guy going faster than you is a always a maniac and the guy going slower is an idiot. We all think we are perfect.
          He is a smart man.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sheherezade
            I have to say - in my non-cruise-control using defense - that I have no issues maintaining speed on the highway. I always use the right lane unless passing. Personally, I always thought those idiot drivers with the variable speeds were toggling their cruise control on and off when the flow of traffic changed speed. Just goes to show you that we all have different perspectives. I have a step dad that uses cruise control until he rams up the butt of the driver in front of him....then turns it off, curses, changes lanes....and resets it moments later. I prefer to ease off the gas and slow down, pass, then speed up again. I'm so anal about driving I always stay within 4 mph of the speed limit in the right lane. Yep - that's me over there. And I get great mileage. I'm not buying the "world would be a better place and idiot drivers would not exist if we all used cruise control" line. I think there are bad cruise control users and bad non-cruise control users.

            Like George Carlin says....the guy going faster than you is a always a maniac and the guy going slower is an idiot. We all think we are perfect.
            Well, I'm pretty sure I'm perfect, but my dh is one of those idiots that does not maintain a consistent speed on the highway. I simply hate riding with him. This is yet another reason that I (the perfect one) do the bulk of driving when we go out as a family. We get some odd comments b/c wifey is driving, but we have a whole lot less arguements (and are SAFER!).


            • #21
              I won't ride with my beloved spouse, either. and he won't drive me anywhere because all I do is yell at him. (because he scare me and I spend the entire drive anticipating the firey crash)

              It just better for all if I drive.



              • #22
                Originally posted by DCJenn
                It just better for all if I drive.

                so which one of us gets to drive when we're together?


                • #23



                  • #24
                    Not a fan of it. Just used it on long drive through NC mountains though. DH uses it religiously and can't stand people who don't.


                    • #25

                      I don't think we can all fit in the batmobile. Although, if you still had Nigel, they'd be about the same size.

