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PG Curriculum question

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  • PG Curriculum question

    We're looking at residency programs now... and wondering how long the curriculum blocks are - how many blocks per year?

  • #2
    You mean time on each service? Dh has (and I think this is pretty normal?) a month for each rotation, meaning 12/year with one block being vacation.
    When you look over the PGY years some of the websites will include a year program. In those case, when you see, say, 7 months of ED, it doesn't mean that they spend those consecutive 7 months in the ED. The residents get dispersed, like in the clinical years of med school, and your schedule has 7 month of ED during the year, in one month blocks.

    Other (unsolicited, I know) things that dh thought about (just re: program):
    What is the shift length in the ED (12, 10 or 8)
    What off service rotations are given
    Is there a research requirement
    Fellowship options (because that can mean a strong dept in that area if it is an area your dh is interested in and might be more exposure)
    lecture time
    Whether the final year includes running the ED. This may sound like a wierd one, but dh was and is now even more convinced that a program that lets you run the ED in your last year is quite superior in preparing you for being an attending. I guess a lot of success has to do with understanding the hospital environment and how to make things flow.

    I know the helicopter is immensely popular with some folks as well, and that can be mandatory, optional or not offered.

    There are quite a few of us EM resident spouses here.


    • #3
      I think it depends on the program.....

      Where we are (doing peds), DH's blocks are roughly four weeks long (give or take a day or two). There are some 2 week rotations and they pair the 2 week rotations together.

      IE - you'd do 1 month of cardiology, then 2 weeks of night float, then 2 weeks of vacation, then 1 month out outpatient - but never 1 month cardiology, 2 weeks night float, 1 month outpatient, 2 weeks vacation. Does that make sense?
      Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


      • #4
        One month blocks here. I rather like the visual presentation of the curriculum: ... iculum.htm


        • #5
          That's very creative Alison! I like it too!
          Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


          • #6
            The peds residency did 4 week blocks and the child neurology program did calender month blocks.



            • #7
              Wow! Thanks for all the great information - unsolicited or not I loved it. I'm looking forward to adding your items to consider to our spreadsheet of programs. One of our highest criteria is the school our kids would go to (they attend a Waldorf school), which narrows the search down quite a bit. Currently we have 35 possible residency programs.

              The visual from Maricopa is well done. I'm a designer (although not graphic) so truly appreciate a good visual aid.

              Best to you all.



              • #8
                The way EM has been the past few years, 35 is probably a good number for your DH to apply to. Of those, he should try to do at least 10 interviews, assuming they're offered. The number might seem high, but EM gets more competitive every year. I can't think off the top of my head what other things we looked for in a program, but for the most part, when DH went on an interview, he had a pretty good gut feeling.
                Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                • #9
                  We've heard that the EM match was tight this last year, even that some decent applicants did not match. DH will apply to all 35 or so on our list. I believe the list has some programs that are off the beaten path or in less desirable locations. I think it will work out.



                  • #10

                    Best of luck with the match. I'm just curious - why is the length of the blocks important to your consideration? I ask not knowing much about EM, but in general I'd think what rotations are offered by each program and the sequence would be of greater importance to your selection process. E.G. if husband is considering a fellowship in X after general EM, but programs A,B,C don't ever offer an elective or required in X... or program D offers X, but not until 3rd year when decisions about fellowship applications are underway. Not suggesting you aren't also considering these factors though.


                    • #11
                      EM is really unique in that fellowship is not only not required, it actually leads to a lower salary and can limit job options. Really, the thing to look for is what type of positions current and previous residents have gotten hired into, and comfort with the program. EM's RRC is INCREDIBLY tight, so most programs offer the same basic curriculum, with variations here and there. The procedures and types of months required and very tightly regulated, which makes programs, at least on paper, more similar to each other than not. I have yet to hear of an EM program that doesn't have 4 and 5 week blocks for rotations, but there may be some variation in how the blocks are administered.
                      Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                      • #12

                        Thanks for the information. I guess most of the programs on their websites will show placement information (similar to other residencies).


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by uvagradk
                          I'm just curious - why is the length of the blocks important to your consideration? I ask not knowing much about EM, but in general I'd think what rotations are offered by each program and the sequence would be of greater importance to your selection process.
                          The length of blocks probably isn't important, we were just wondering when looking at what the blocks were at different programs. The numbers shown were not all adding up to 12 or anything consistent. I think I have it figured out now... usually time in ED is listed, but if not, any additional time to add up to 12 months is probably in the ED. I was looking at "EMRA Match" data.


                          • #14
                            If your DH is not already on SDN, I would encourage him to check it out (but not to get too sucked in like my DH is). The EM forum on there is really active and there are many reviews of interviews and programs that he can look through. When my DH was on the interview trail, there were people he continually bumped into (EM is a small world) that he knew from SDN. Might be a good connection and source of answers.
                            Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Deebs
                              If your DH is not already on SDN, I would encourage him to check it out (but not to get too sucked in like my DH is). The EM forum on there is really active and there are many reviews of interviews and programs that he can look through. When my DH was on the interview trail, there were people he continually bumped into (EM is a small world) that he knew from SDN. Might be a good connection and source of answers.
                              Thanks. Yes, he's been on it and found some info but not really into it because he's not one for sitting down and looking at a computer screen for very long. He's action man.


