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bye bye birdies

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  • bye bye birdies

    So a bird made it's nest in the eaves on our back porch. I thought "aww, how sweet" until the mama started swooping everytime my DD and I came out. The babies have hatched and now there are two dead birds on my porch and lots of bird poo.

    My DH is of course on call today and the trash is picked up tomorrow morning....anyone have any recommendations on how to dispose of the deceased? Do i just break out the salad tongs and the trash bag? yuck yuck yuck.

    Maybe I should get one of those fake owls.....

  • #2
    I think it would be ok to just pick up with a plastic bag, put in the trash and put the trash out. Maybe you could remove the nest? If it's an unsafe site that could discourage momma bird? The kids might think its cool to put the nest in with a potted plant too...turn it into something better?


    • #3

      The birds that were still in the nest have not moved in a LONG time and the mama is nowhere around. I'm just going to wait for my husband to get home tomorrow. I can't handle 5 dead birds and a one year old by myself.


      • #4
        We had a huge pigeon problem when we lived in a high rise building and my grandfather gave us a fake owl, it worked like a charm! No more pigeons!

