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  • Rant/Rave

    I'm full of 'em today. :P

    rant: the guy who was supposed to help us pack starting at 10:00 decided at 9:45 am that the "day looked really busy."

    rave: That was motivating in a sobering sort of way. We might not need to hire someone. And, my friend's mom is letting us stay at her house for the period between moving out and when we can move in to the new house.


    rant: The seller of the new house left a bunch of stuff there. Hello, photo negatives? Unless she was intending for her Le Crueset dutch oven to be a housewarming present for me. And only one key? One? In a house with three teenagers you have only one key to leave us?

    rave: We got in the house today!


    rant: I am a walking cramp. I can hardly move.

    rave: I went canoeing yesterday and have a newfound hobby. Once I recover and I forget how sore my muscles are.

  • #2
    congratulations on your new home (and new dutch oven?), as well as your new hobby - your location is Pacific Northwest? I bet it's gorgeous where you canoe!


    • #3
      Congrats Nellie-

      and enjoy the canoeing once you can life your arms again!



      • #4
        Originally posted by medwife517
        maybe it is just me being oober paranoid.. but you dont re-key or change the locks???
        Yep, I was thinking the same thing. I wouldn't care about the one key, because we'd have all those locks changed the day we moved in. You can do them yourself!

        Congrats on getting into your new house! YAY!


        • #5
          What a tool! (the dude who was supposed to help pack).

          I say you keep the LeCreuset. After all, I kept the penis pan. :P

          No wonder you were tired last night. I forgot about the canoe lessons. I'm glad you had a good time.

          Wish I was there to help you pack!


          • #6
            I am, uh, lazy and get distracted. I swear, I've thought about having the locks re-keyed in each of my last two houses.... . Yeah. Oh well. In our first house, I had a new stormdoor put in with a good deadbolt (not the wimpy kind) and DH re-keyed the back to match. Too much started happening here, I forgot, and after a year it didn't seem to matter as much.

            I will have this house re-keyed. I just irks me that she couldn't give me one more key. We are having the floors refinished over the next week and I want to give the floorman a key so that I don't have to let him in an lock up. Taking the kids to the hardware store to make a key tomorrow was not on the top of my to-do list. *snarl* I'll re-key next Monday. This time I really will.

            And...we've been displaced. :thud: We no longer have a place to stay between houses. My friend's sister is having a bit of a crisis and is coming here instead of her mom going there.


            • #7
              AND...get this. She took the bathroom mirrors. The master bathroom has NO MIRROR. Same for the powder room. Who does that?


              • #8
                Originally posted by cupcake
                AND...get this. She took the bathroom mirrors. The master bathroom has NO MIRROR. Same for the powder room. Who does that?


                Three teens out there with your housekeys?? Yeah, I'd re-key.

                MIL had a tenant leave behind a whole collector's box of comics and action figures, a laptop, a box of photots, and he left a dump in the toilet unflushed too.

                Can you contact her and let her know about the negatives? I wonder if the kids helped with the packing?? Maybe hold the pics for ransom and trade for your bathroom mirrors back?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SnowWhite
                  Originally posted by Ladybug

                  I can't believe she took the mirrors. Isn't that covered in the contract?
                  ITA! Anything that is up, even window treatments, should have been covered in the contract if she was taking them. I'd call your realtor or hers about all the stuff she left behind and the mirrors.
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #10
                    Hmm, keep the dutch oven. Get the house rekeyed. And call your realtor regarding the mirrors. Or look at your contract - it's sections 8 and 9 if you have a copy handy. It should lay out exactly what conveys and what doesn't. PM me if you need more specifics.


                    • #11
                      Mirrors aren't specified in the contract. I'm giving my realtor until 8am. Welcome back from vacation, Phil! :>

                      Three lacrosse playing teens. You should see the ceiling in the basement.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by cupcake
                        AND...get this. She took the bathroom mirrors. The master bathroom has NO MIRROR. Same for the powder room. Who does that?


                        • #13
                          That sucks! When we moved into our house the previous owner left a ton of crap. Like 4 hours of hauling crap... dressers, mirrors, desks. Our realtor and his realtor were pretty awesome but still all three of us had to keep hounding him to get his stuff out. It took him a month. And this was after constant calling and stalking. We refused to pay to have it removed. I was so relieved when they finally came to take the stuff away.

                          We had a friend who moved into their house and all the light fixtures were taken out.


                          • #14
                            [quote="Genivieve"] After all, I kept the penis pan. :P


                            Ok, please give us the back-story on that...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JulesKC
                              Originally posted by cupcake
                              AND...get this. She took the bathroom mirrors. The master bathroom has NO MIRROR. Same for the powder room. Who does that?
                              I'm shocked that's not considered a fixture that was sold as part of the houe.

