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Babysitter Rates

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  • Babysitter Rates

    What would be a reasonable rate of pay for this situation:

    (We live in a relatively low cost-of-living state)
    *Our 13-year old neighbor is willing to watch my (easy) twin 3-year old boys at her house (while her mom supervises)
    *the 13-year old has never babysat before
    *They have an almost 3-year old boy who is really behind (not talking yet) so my boys don't really "play" with him; they fought over toys the last time we were there.
    *Two days a week, from 5pm until 7ish, whenever DH can pick them up.

    The mom suggested $10 an hour. I think that's really high, unless the mom is the active 'babysitter'.

    I paid $10 an hour for an adult to come to my house when the boys were 1; that was work. This will be more free play time.

    Ugh. I hate finding babysitters. Help!

  • #2
    I think 10 bucks an hour is sort of steep in those circumstances. I pay 10 bucks an hour for someone to watch my older 2, but that is when the sitter is at my house, experienced, and expected to cook/bathe/tidy up after kids.

    Is the mom going to be pissy if you pay less? Ugh. You are so right, finding sitters is such a pain.
    Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


    • #3
      I pay $10 for a college age or older sitter with similar expectations to Rebecca.

      Maybe $10 for the whole time? That does sound steep.


      • #4
        Hmmm. We paid $8/hr for a 16 yr old to watch both kids. She was engaged and did everything. And she felt well paid and grateful. Maybe mom sees that you are really paying her?


        • #5
          Originally posted by cupcake
          I pay $10 for a college age or older sitter with similar expectations to Rebecca.

          Maybe $10 for the whole time? That does sound steep.
          We pay 10$ to girls who 1.) drive themselves (gas) and 2.) are over 18 and have other jobs and are GOOD.

          Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

          “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


          • #6
            I did a little research and that ain't gonna happen. I don't think the mom has any experience paying babysitters, so she honestly didn't know what to charge, she was thinking $5.00 a kid.

            I'll figure somthing out. Thanks.


            • #7
              I agree with 8/hour. I get paid 12/hour for one kid and 15/hour for 2 or more but that's in DC and I work in a neighborhood that can afford it. An inexperinced 13 yr old doesn't need 10/hour. That's what I get paid at my crappy retail job!


              • #8
                I think someone mentioned a while back in the parenting section about

                I haven't used it, but a friend of mine has with success. They will give info on themselves, experience and rates.


                • #9
                  Okay, my neighbors are cheapos.

                  I had a very nice conversation with 'Patty' during which I politely told her that minimum wage was $6.15 and her daughter wouldn't even qualify for that yet, and since she had no experience, training, or certifications, etc... it wasn't going to work out. The conversation actually went well.

                  Then out of the blue Patty started talking about the plot of land between us that had recently been sold, and was wondering if I had send the new owners a bill. "A bill?!" "Yea, for their part of the fence. I sent them a copy of our fence bill, I haven't heard from them. Have you gotten paid yet?!" :huh:

                  Welcome to the neighborhood, you owe me money.

                  The more I learn about people the more I like my dog.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Entropy
                    Then out of the blue Patty started talking about the plot of land between us that had recently been sold, and was wondering if I had send the new owners a bill. "A bill?!" "Yea, for their part of the fence. I sent them a copy of our fence bill, I haven't heard from them. Have you gotten paid yet?!" :huh:

                    Welcome to the neighborhood, you owe me money.

                    The more I learn about people the more I like my dog.

                    A bill for HALF the fence? Are you kidding me? Unbelievable. Really. She's NUTS.

                    Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                    • #11
                      Then out of the blue Patty started talking about the plot of land between us that had recently been sold, and was wondering if I had send the new owners a bill. "A bill?!" "Yea, for their part of the fence. I sent them a copy of our fence bill, I haven't heard from them. Have you gotten paid yet?!"

                      You have GOT to be kidding me!!!!

                      If I received a bill like that, I would write "KISS MY A**" across it and send it back to her. So much for Welcome Wagon...


                      • #12
                        Have you asked if they used to live in Sartell?

                        Maybe you have Kris' Crazy Neighbor???



                        • #13
                          OK, I realize it's been 20 years, but I used to make $2/hour to watch 2 kids when I was older than that, and had lots of experience and had taken classes and CPR and everything.

                          She does sound like a complete nutter, though. A bill for the fence?!
                          Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                          • #14
                            I'm not sure where you are living, but $10 an hour for two three year olds would be cheap here (NJ). $5.00 an hour per child is reasonable here. Honestly, I would be happy to pay a little extra if the Mom is there in case of an emergency. I believe it is a very regional topic.
                            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                            • #15
                              I always wonder about this topic. I have babysitters that I use that drive themselves. I usually pay the one a little more than the other b/c she has a bit of a drive. I think $8.00/hour is reasonable--at least around here but the last time we had the one sitter, DH only paid her about $7.25/hour. I hope she babysits for us again and doesn't think we're cheapos!

