IS a very very very fineeee houseeeeeeeeee...but here I have to vent.
Sorry, we just closed on our first house on Monday! I was just reading someone else's woes about the sellers, and boy were ours mean! They wouldn't budge on anything. After 4 offers, we finally realized that someone had to be the grownups, and if we wanted the house, we would have to buy it at basically their price (the list price was actually much less than we had assumed we would spend on a house). ...but I mean, really...they came down a thousand in the end, in this market! They wouldn't fix anything the inspector found wrong, including bad electrical wiring (!!!). There was a massive gas leak when we walked in with the inspector, and who knows how long that was going on, and they had three kids, including one around 18 mos. old. These people didn't take care of much, and while they claimed the hubby was "extremely handy", I beg to differ, given how shoddy all of the DIY stuff in the house was.
So, at closing, most of the time they wouldn't even make eye contact, and then when I would look up from signing another document, I would catch her glaring at me. What a tool.
We went in to the house, and it was clean for the most part, but they left the frig a mess. It really looks pretty foul. So bad that my soon to be MIL is buying us a new frig for a house-warming present because she doesn't want us putting actual food into that one.
I realize some people have really bad taste, but these people took the cake. The dining room was ELECTRIC BLUE, the downstairs bath was Flourescent green, the living room some weird washed out vomit yellow. So, first things first, we have painters in there. Dining room is now dark red, living room pumpkin butter (nice beige with a twist of something you can't put your finger on), and I will attack the bathroom, and kitchen and every other room, later. Then, the 15 yr. old carpet is grey, but you know it wasn't always that color. Its cheap, and foul looking, so we also bought new carpeting, and that's going in.
After all this it normal to have people not only unwilling to compromise on the price of the house, but not to fix anything the inspector finds, and then to be MEAN at the close after all this?
Also, to all you it feasible to think that I will fix things as time goes by? How likely is it that I will just be lazy about it? I hope that it will just get more annoying and I will take care of the painting etc, but I have never owned a home, and not sure what the normal progression of fixing things is. We can't afford it all at once (carpet ain't cheap).
Also, fiance is a general surgery intern, and won't be there move-day. He has had a rough last week, and so I am giving him a breather and then making him pack nightly until the move in a week, since most of what we own is HIS CRAP.
His mom and my mom will be there move day, so that's helpful.
So many changes so can be hard to deal with it all.
Anyone else feel overwhelmed that first year? We are also getting married in April of next year, so add another thing to the engagement, move, me finishing school and starting a new job and him starting intern year.
I just needed to vent. Thanks for reading, if you got to the end you are amazing!

Sorry, we just closed on our first house on Monday! I was just reading someone else's woes about the sellers, and boy were ours mean! They wouldn't budge on anything. After 4 offers, we finally realized that someone had to be the grownups, and if we wanted the house, we would have to buy it at basically their price (the list price was actually much less than we had assumed we would spend on a house). ...but I mean, really...they came down a thousand in the end, in this market! They wouldn't fix anything the inspector found wrong, including bad electrical wiring (!!!). There was a massive gas leak when we walked in with the inspector, and who knows how long that was going on, and they had three kids, including one around 18 mos. old. These people didn't take care of much, and while they claimed the hubby was "extremely handy", I beg to differ, given how shoddy all of the DIY stuff in the house was.
So, at closing, most of the time they wouldn't even make eye contact, and then when I would look up from signing another document, I would catch her glaring at me. What a tool.
We went in to the house, and it was clean for the most part, but they left the frig a mess. It really looks pretty foul. So bad that my soon to be MIL is buying us a new frig for a house-warming present because she doesn't want us putting actual food into that one.
I realize some people have really bad taste, but these people took the cake. The dining room was ELECTRIC BLUE, the downstairs bath was Flourescent green, the living room some weird washed out vomit yellow. So, first things first, we have painters in there. Dining room is now dark red, living room pumpkin butter (nice beige with a twist of something you can't put your finger on), and I will attack the bathroom, and kitchen and every other room, later. Then, the 15 yr. old carpet is grey, but you know it wasn't always that color. Its cheap, and foul looking, so we also bought new carpeting, and that's going in.
After all this it normal to have people not only unwilling to compromise on the price of the house, but not to fix anything the inspector finds, and then to be MEAN at the close after all this?
Also, to all you it feasible to think that I will fix things as time goes by? How likely is it that I will just be lazy about it? I hope that it will just get more annoying and I will take care of the painting etc, but I have never owned a home, and not sure what the normal progression of fixing things is. We can't afford it all at once (carpet ain't cheap).
Also, fiance is a general surgery intern, and won't be there move-day. He has had a rough last week, and so I am giving him a breather and then making him pack nightly until the move in a week, since most of what we own is HIS CRAP.

So many changes so can be hard to deal with it all.

I just needed to vent. Thanks for reading, if you got to the end you are amazing!
