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  • #16
    Originally posted by *Lily*
    Eight years of MDPhD retreats at a top notch beach-front resort while I stayed home watching DVDs burned my ass like a three foot flame. Rant away!
    WTH are we missing?!?!? We've never been invited to an MDPhD retreat at a beach front resort!!!! The only one I was aware of was the Keystone one we just got back from! Sadly (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) 6 years into this program and this was the first time DH had even mentioned the Keystone one! Luckily, they invited me which was cool and I was able to tag along. DH ended up missing most of the conference to hang out w/ me. Am I missing out on a beach front retreat? :waiting:

    ITA you are not off base for ranting about the retreat. I would be pissed off if I was left behind, which is probably why Keystone was never brought up or attended until I was invited this year.

    Every October there's a fight about the damn Society for Neuroscience conference that DH leaves town for almost a week for. Thank Goodness this is the last year of that BS.

    Hang in there!!! :therethere:
    Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


    • #17
      DW just left for her MD/PhD retreat. I'm packing up for our move on Wednesday (although I can't complain too much, since she did a ton of packing while I was at work last week)

      But yeah, I can see how these will get old after a while.
      - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


      • #18
        i hate reatreats. (and so does dh)
        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #19
          When DH was in residency, his class basically revolted against a retreat. They all agreed that it was all or none, and the only way they would do it was if families were invited and there were family-friendly activities. They basically realized if they stuck together, the PD wasn't going to fire them all. So, that ended the retreats. Every year he was there, they talked about going somewhere family friendly (and actually had the money to do it), but never quite got it together.
          Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


          • #20
            [quote="Pollyanna"..."team building"....[/quote]


            I am trying to picture a bunch of neurosurgeons at a forced retreat for the purpose of team building.

            Oh, my side is aching...

            Does team building involve practicing being each other's wing-man for pick-up lines at the bars (for the single ones...)?


            • #21
              My whole team building comment was just that this would seem a little better if they did something work-related and not just spending three days drinking, eating and lounging around the pool. I stress the little better part of that. And man does my DW owes me for some incredibly nasty diapers while she's been gone.

              Judging from the responses here, we all need to lobby our spouses to end these things. Let the campaigning begin. I have a feeling I'll lose, but it will make me feel better.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Deebs
                When DH was in residency, his class basically revolted against a retreat.
                Woohoo! A mutiny, I love it.

                DH didn't have to do retreats but he did have a few in-state conferences that a) he had to pay for out of pocket and b) spouses/family were not encouraged to come along. There was some crazy reasoning that because it was in the same state, despite being over a 2 hour drive, the residents should pay for their lodging. And just be grateful for the chance to rub elbows with great scientific minds. ::


                • #23
                  DH's program takes a camping/canoeing trip up to the boundary waters every year but its completely voluntary. DH wants to go if you he can this year b/c he loves camping and has missed it the last three years. I don't mind him going to something like that b/c I know how much he misses his true backwoods camping which we haven't found much of in our area of MN.
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #24
                    I remember DH's MD/PhD retreat when I was preggo with DD2. I was very nervous to be on my own with a toddler. He called constantly to check on me. The morning of day 2, he called and we figured out quickly that I was having a hypoglycemic episode (it's bad when I'm preggo). I was probably 6 months preggo so the tot was 15 months and walking but I couldn't sit up, much less chase her. Hubby told his mentor (he was at the retreat) and was promptly sent to rescue me. Luckily his retreats were just at Turner Falls on the TX/OK boarder so it only took about an hour to get home if he sped.

                    I always hated those stupid retreats. Especially all the parties they would have. DH isn't the party animal. I am! LOL
                    Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                    • #25
                      Jenn-- I haven't heard of this one! When may this be coming down the pike!!!

                      I swear I never know what is going on.

                      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                      • #26
                        I haven't yet heard of any retreat that DH has to go on. I pray and hope that his program won't do something that isolating to their residents and their respective families.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Pollyanna
                          Originally posted by jem
                          I pray and hope that his program won't do something that isolating to their residents and their respective families.
                          I'm pretty sure that is the definition of residency, with or without the retreat.


                          • #28
                            OK, just asked DH whether or not his program will do some crap retreat or whatever and he said he doesn't think his program does that sort of thing.

                            Anyway, for those of you who have to endure this ... hats off to you.


                            • #29
                              Wow, I didn't even know that residency programs did that! Fortunately, the worst DH's program does is have evening conferences and dinners occasionally that spouses aren't invited to. It's annoying, but I just treat it like another call day where I won't see him. Other times, spouses are invited to dinners, so then I get a free meal and a few glasses of wine Gotta make the best of it.

                              Anyway, I didn't know it could be worse. Sorry Roscablo!
                              Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos


                              • #30
                                The beauty of going to school and doing residency in NY is none of the schools/programs here do resorts. We've had friends in just about every program and I've never heard about this sort of thing until someone here mentioned it. I guess they figure living in NY is a retreat in itself.

