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When did you figure out that you have been married...

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  • When did you figure out that you have been married...

    for a long time?

    For DW and I, it was this weekend. We had to replace 3 wedding gifts that broke today. Our nice toaster oven died this weekend (won't toast), the paper towel holder broke, and our shredder died.

    We have been married for about 27 months and are no longer classified as newlyweds. F.Y.I. we figured that we could be considered newlyweds for up to 3 years because Nick and Jessica Simpson were newlyweds forever, well until they got divorced. Needless to say, we are no longer trying to be like Nick and Jessica

    During our shopping adventures, we stopped by Whole Foods and I was

    First at the quality and presentation of everything, but then the price. I was purposely avoiding that place for this reason. I have decided I am buying my seafood/meat and other deli stuffs there from now on.
    Husband of an amazing female physician!

  • #2
    When we completed the application to adopt (in Russian) and signed our names. When we had to stand up in court in Russia and talk about "the family" we were about to make and when we got back from court and went directly to the bar in the hotel.



    • #3
      When we went out to celebrate our 11th anniversary and ran into one of DH's co-residents, who (in response to us mentioning that it was our 11th) said, eyes widening and jaw dropping, "Oh, my god."

      Then it dawned on us...he is probably all of about 27. He was in high school when we got married. Then it dawned on ME: this guy is young enough to have been one of my students when I was teaching high school back in 1996!!

      Where's the Geritol and the Depends? We are just a couple of old codgers.


      • #4
        I really don't feel like I have been married a long if the question was:
        When did you figure out that you have been married...too long?
        I'd say : "a few times a week "(tongue-in-cheek of course) or maybe not


        • #5
          We always heard that you are newlyweds until you reach 5 years or the first kid.

          I guess we were newlyweds for about 3 1/2 years.

          We have been married 9 now.
          Gas, and 4 kids


          • #6
            I think around our 8th or 9th wedding anniversary was when I realized we had been married longer than pretty much anyone else our age (that we knew personally) - including those friends with divorces. Now, with going on 12 years (next week's milestone) I feel like we have been married a good bit of time.
            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #7
              Originally posted by Amiens
              We always heard that you are newlyweds until you reach 5 years or the first kid.
              We had our first child a few weeks shy of being married for five years. We're overachievers.

              I'd say that the first two years felt like newlyweds.


              • #8
                Originally posted by pinkpickles
                I really don't feel like I have been married a long if the question was:
                When did you figure out that you have been married...too long?
                I'd say : "a few times a week "(toungue-in-cheek of course) or maybe not
       response would be on DH's behalf:

                When I start making bigger bucks post-residency and she leaves me for a man half my age with twice my stamina...but takes 2/3s of my paycheck with her...

                Just kidding!


                • #9
                  We had been married 4 years and 8 months when DS #1 came along, but I think we felt like we had been married for a LONG time when we had our 10th anniversary.

                  Yesterday was our 17th!

                  We were asked to give "what I have learned since being married" talk/speech at my sister's wedding earlier this summer.....she and her fiance thought it would be nice to hear from the shortest married couple in their immediate family, and then from the longest married couple. We were the longest married couple. Including both sets of parents.
                  We definitely felt like old fogies.

                  Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                  "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                  • #10
                    That is a cool idea, Sally!

                    Congratulations on reaching old fogey status. :P


                    • #11
                      that's awesome that you guys have had the longest lasting marriage Sally! Good for you! Happy Anniversary!!!!


                      • #12
                        Congratulations, Sally! So, are you going to share those tips with us?

                        I'd say the turning point for us came when I got pregnant. I remember the midwife asking me to fill in "mother's name" and "father's name" on a form during the first prenatal checkup, and I nearly wrote my own parents' names down! That's when it hit me that we were really in this for good. Not for us the carefree fun and games of dating anymore!

                        We're just coming up to our fourth anniversary now. DH is living a bit dangerously, having accidentally lost his wedding ring sometime last week... It's upsetting, but perhaps less so than if it had happened when we were newlyweds. The relationship is, after all, more important than its symbol (I am telling myself!)


                        • #13
                          I have no idea. Seriously, it was so long ago that I can't remember. I don't think it was when we had our first baby. We had been married 1.5 years when he came.

                          No wait, I think I do know.

                          I think it may have been when we spent our 4th anniversary on the telephone. He was in Philadelphia in graduate school. I was in Utah with all of our belongings in boxes living with his parents. On our 4th anniversary that year, he got a telephone call from Albany Medical College stating that he was accepted off the waiting list. He got his stuff together, drove to Albany in a rental car, picked out an apartment, drove back to Philly, quit grad school, grabbed his stuff, flew home the next day as I packed up the UHaul. We then set off on our journey, and made the 4-day-drive to NY the next day. We said goodbye to our families, and our little family went out and made its own way in the world.
                          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                          • #14
                            I think ours was about the 4 yr mark when we had two kids, two new jobs and two out-of-state moves and wanted to take a big nap.


                            • #15
                              When my maiden name sounded like a person that I used to know....

                              When a previous career sounded like a tv show that I once watched....

                              When power shopping for myself became a foreign concept....

                              When we were thrilled to purchase a minivan....

                              When we no longer argued about who's turn it was to clean the poo....

                              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

