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We moved in to the new what?

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  • We moved in to the new what?

    Hi guys,
    well, we moved in on Tues. And by we, I mean me, my mom and my soon-to-be mom-in-law. Fiance was at work...he is on peds surgery this month, and is NEVER home, and when he is, he is falling asleep. So, it sucked that he wasn't there, but I know that this is par for the course for the rest of our lives. So I have to get used to it. But I guess what bugs me more is that he feels so bad about it that it robs me of the chance to be angry. He does this all the time, I can't even be upset because he self-flagelates to such an extent that if I express frustration he lashes back defensively sometimes, or worse, just sits there and mopes. It drives me bonkers.

    We have all these boxes, and most of everything was his crap. I was all alone packing for days, and I could easily have packed what is mine in a couple hours, but he has so much crap that honestly it fills the 4 bedroom house that we just bought...imagine what it looked like in the 2-bed apt. So I had assumed that we would unpack together, but it is becoming more and more obvious that he has no time, or when he is home, he is too tired to do much. He usually is good for about an hour or two, and then falls asleep.

    We don't have much time together, and when we do, he is online surfing the net or playing video games, which is his way of decompressing. We chat, but don't have quality time together. I know this is the worst month, but I hope this won't always be this way. I need more help now because of the move, but we chose the worst month to do it in. Someone, please tell me that it gets better. I just need to hear it right now. I keep vasillating between indignation and anger, that I had to do all this. Any tips on how to look at this so that I don't start to resent the man? I love him desperately, but hate that needing him to help with the move makes me feel like a needy woman with unfulfilled demands. I am really very independent and not clingy in the slightest, so this is really getting to me today. Any thoughts?


  • #2
    none that won't depress you further...

    You have a long, long road ahead of you. Best advice- vent often, don't let him use "decompress" as an excuse to avoid pitching in around the house and mostly, get used to taking care of you first.

    There is nothing good about PGY-1. and surgery has more than it's share of PGY-1 situation in PGY+.


    Vent here whenever you have to.



    • #3
      get used to taking care of you first.
      how true1
      Sorry you are feeling the way you are. Like she said vent away and lean /cry on our virtual shoulder!


      • #4
        I took advantage of doing ALL of the unpacking by throwing away whatever I felt needed to be thrown away. :>
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Luanne123
          I took advantage of doing ALL of the unpacking by throwing away whatever I felt needed to be thrown away. :>
          I think that is a SPLENDID idea!

          Like others said you need to take care of you. But you also need to lay down the line with him, apologetic/guilty or not he needs to make a concerted effort to spend time with you too. You are his fiance, not his mother - he isn't marrying you just to get someone to take care of the house and him.

          Hang in there and come here often!
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #6
            Um, all I can add is that you should get your post count up.

            I agree with setting some ground rules too. Decompressing isn't much of an option when there are still things to do. Sleep is understandable, but video games over unpacking? I'd leave his things in boxes in a closet (or room from the sound of how many!).

            It is a long road. Who told you it was the worst month? I think I've heard that too many times and now just when I get forewarned.

            I wish I had something optimistic to offer. :huh:


            • #7
              Originally posted by DCJenn
              none that won't depress you further...

              You have a long, long road ahead of you. Best advice- vent often, don't let him use "decompress" as an excuse to avoid pitching in around the house and mostly, get used to taking care of you first.

              There is nothing good about PGY-1. and surgery has more than it's share of PGY-1 situation in PGY+.


              Vent here whenever you have to.


              Well said!

              Just think about those residents that are single...I always did in order to gage if DH was trying to get away with more than he should... they seem to somehow get their home responsibilities done.

              Yes, do take care of yourself. :grouphug:
              Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by medpedspouse
                Just think about those residents that are single...I always did in order to gage if DH was trying to get away with more than he should... they seem to somehow get their home responsibilities done.
                This is an excellent way to look at it. Single residents also have to move, pack and unpack, pay bills and rent or mortgage and obviously do it.


                • #9
                  Well, I suppose this was something I needed to hear to get me out of my pity party. Thank you for it! I especially liked the eyeroll reaction to being forewarned that a particular rotation will suck (he told me it would be the worst month, as did all the other residents when we are at social gatherings...I guess at this program it has the reputation for being particularly rough).

                  I do take care of myself, but every once in a while when so much needs to get done in a big move like this that I have never had to do alone, I take it all on without leaning on him at all. I mean, why lean when he can't do anything anyway and I'll just end up having to take care of it later in a rush. Its hard to find a balance between taking charge and giving him stuff to do that he can actually accomplish when at work, and being a complete control freak and doing it all and losing my mind. I will come here to vent surely, you all have been grand. Its an odd thing to adjust to, all these changes of life at once (engagement, house hunt, move, beginning of residency, my impending graduation in December, wedding in April, etc).

                  You all are right on that I need to sit down with him and talk this out, and continue to do so as time goes on. I think I will do just that when he gets home...maybe he is pushing it too far and not taking care of enough himself. Thanks for waking me up and telling me to crack the whip!

                  Thank you all so much! Yey for venting! I feel much better, even though there was nothing sunny in the advice. Aside from throwing out lots of his crap, which I did in spades in the packing process. I'll do more in the unpacking just for fun.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mrs. McPads
                    I mean, why lean when he can't do anything anyway and I'll just end up having to take care of it later in a rush. Its hard to find a balance between taking charge and giving him stuff to do that he can actually accomplish when at work, and being a complete control freak and doing it all and losing my mind.
                    I *so* feel you there. It is very tough to balance. I agree that you shouldn't let him get away with using every bit of his free time to "decompress". Some, sure, but come on. And I totally know that frustrating feeling of "I'm not your mother!"

                    Here's hoping the others in your program are right, and this really is the very worst month.
                    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                    • #11
                      Hey Eileen,

                      No eye rolling here and something good to say. If you heard it from other sources that's a good sign. We definitely had one known painful month, but for perspective it was waaay ugly. So if you can do the move and have just a couple of down moments during the 'worst' month then your dh is probably at a program that will be quite doable.

                      A pity party may be an ok part of the grieving process. For me at least intern year was when the 'oh, this is the rest of our lives' sank in.

                      For the record, we did not get past intern year in GS and dh has switched fields.


                      • #12
                        Well, I am updating you all on the lazy fiance issue. He came home last night, and was in a generally good mood. It helped that I cooked some tasty dinner, not at all to butter him up, mind you. And he responded well to the cracking of the whip. He said he has been trying to carry his own weight at work too, and will try to up the ante at home as well. When he heard me say the word "resentment", he got really worried and started to unpack like crazy. He got about 6 boxes done last night, along with fixing stuff and putting other stuff together. I feel MUCH better.

                        And I know I will have to keep doing this forever , but it was good to figure out the right time to address it and see that he knew he needed to help out more. So, its all a learning process I suppose. We'll just keep working on it.

                        Good advice, I appreciate all of it. And because I didn't rip his head off when he got home, he appreciates it too.


                        • #13
                          Re: We moved in to the new what?

                          DH is in his prelim yr- surgery and I too am experiencing the exact same thing as you. I just have to trust that within time we will figure it all out. Just know that you aren't the only one.

                          BTW, I'm guilty of using the 'R' word as well. I don't use it often, only when necessary. Seems to be a good wake up call for them.

