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DH is bringing home diseases!

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  • DH is bringing home diseases!

    Well that may be a stretch, but he came home twice already with an abscess on his arm and finger! Gross!

    I'm wondering what else he is bringing home with him AND what is on those scrubs he leaves on our living room floor! aranoid:

  • #2
    Sounds like he needs to talk to infection control at the hospital. Do not allow the scrubs in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The shoes either. When my kids were little and crawling I never wore my hospital shoes into the house.
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Luanne123
      Sounds like he needs to talk to infection control at the hospital. Do not allow the scrubs in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The shoes either. When my kids were little and crawling I never wore my hospital shoes into the house.
      Thank you for your response. What would talking to infection control do? Sorry, I'm new at being a medical spouse.

      Luanne, I can't tell you how many times we have argued about no scrubs in the house. We've had some pretty blown up fights too. He swears it's no big deal.

      He is getting a little better at it by sometimes throwing it into the wash right when he comes home. However, there are times he leaves it on the floor... I'm no doctor, but I know crap is on there.

      Thanks for the heads up on the shoes, he's not so bad with that as we have a generally rule: no shoes are to be worn in the house.


      • #4
        There are plenty of us who insisted that the scrubs either get washed at the hospital or are removed at the hospital. (I mean think of the ick now infesting the upholstery of the car!)

        We had at least one of us whose husband was to disrobe in the garage.



        • #5
          are they allowed to take scrubs out of the hospital? dh has never done this- he used to leave his shoes outside our door (outside the house) because he's so paranoid about disease, and those weren't even the shoes he wore in the hospital. (those he left in his trunk, or in his locker). we don't have a garage but I hope you guys can work it out so that he doesn't bring that stuff home with him....

          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


          • #6
            My favorite is when DH actually tried to get me to wash blood-soaked socks he wore in the OR in our wash with our whites. Ummmm, no. Those went straight in the trash.

            I never thought about the ick from the scrubs getting on the car apohlstery. YUCK!!!!


            • #7

              I think we have a different scenario- the powers that be are so uptight about losing control of their scrubs that it's ridiculous. If they devoted 1/10th the energy to things like hiring another person for the outpatient pharmacies....

              But, that's the military for you. (wait until you guys are ready to out-process and your husband has to account for every coat and set of scrubs he's been issued over the years...)



              • #8
                Oh Yuck.
                I've been eyeing those scrubs and shoes suspiciously all year... Dh did not think it was a big deal. After reading these posts, I will be putting my foot down about them!


                • #9
                  NSG is 1000-times better re: "bringing work home" than when he did his pediatrics and family practice rotations in med school. He was a walking, talking, coughing cesspool of kid-colds. Gross...


                  • #10
                    DH has a pair of shoes that he only wears at work and leaves in his locker - he says when they wear out he'll just toss them b/c of what they've gotten on them he'll never bring them home.

                    He also doesn't bring scrubs home, he wears street clothes to the hospital and changes there. The only thing he brings home for me to wash are his scrub caps and that's only because I made them.
                    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                    • #11
                      I thought the hospitals have the dispensers so they don't have to wash their own scrubs. DH doesn't come home with dirty scrubs but the other day came home with a bit of blood splatter on his glasses
                      Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


                      • #12
                        I never thought about this. DH wears scrubs and his Crocs home and washes the scrubs with all the rest of the laundry. Of course he's doing the NICU right now so I don't think there are any illnesses he could bring home.
                        Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                        • #13
                          If he's bringing them home, even from the NICU, I'd say DO NOT wash them with your regular laundry. Do them separately, in HOT water, with bleach. It's not the babies in the NICU, it's the festering guy standing next to him in the elevator that you need to worry about.



                          • #14
                            YIKES! My DH just called to ask me if he should bring home the dress shirt he was wearing--he got someone else's blood on it. Uh, no. Toss it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ProjectMom
                              YIKES! My DH just called to ask me if he should bring home the dress shirt he was wearing--he got someone else's blood on it. Uh, no. Toss it.
                              It always strikes me as funny when DH asks me something like this. I mean, I already have 4 kids...

                              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

