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  • #16
    DH is the one who showed me this site- back when it was somehow liked to doctor network or something like that. Anyway, I took to it, asked a bajillion questions about military medical stuff. Later, he became kind of jealous of the time I spent on line, which led to some civilized disagreements...

    Now I'm recently back "into it" (posting) and he is interested and generally accepting. I try to post mostly positive things about him...

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


    • #17
      SO is the one that sent me here. I don't recall how he heard about it - maybe SDN?

      He's really understanding to an extent. He has his crack (SDN) and I have mine (here and flickr). The only time he is if I say anything about programs being harder/easier/different at different places, etc. I sometimes think he thinks that I couldn't possibly get real information about medical programs from the spouses. But really, I think he's just intimidated because I know more about specialties than he does.


      • #18
        I just recently found the group and hubby is very glad I did. He sees how much I'm struggling to keep the household moving while busting my booty at work. His hours suck and he doesn't get much time off, but he's doing what he loves and I'm not.

        Any complaints I make to my mom or sister are met with, "But you should be so proud and feel honored to do all the care for the kids and work full time since you're helping your doctor husband." Not that I'm not happy that he's fulfilling his dream, but everyone seems to forget to that I've been working for so long just to keep us afloat that I could use a break (that doesn't involve a c-section and hospital stay). LOL
        Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


        • #19
          "But you should be so proud and feel honored to do all the care for the kids and work full time since you're helping your doctor husband."
          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


          • #20
            Originally posted by rainbabies
            "But you should be so proud and feel honored to do all the care for the kids and work full time since you're helping your doctor husband."
            What is WITH people? If someone I knew well ever said this to me I don't know what I'd say but I may end up on the floor laughing hysterically. :huh:
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #21
              DH loves that I have this site and credits it with saving his butt on more than one occasion (and our marriage). We both agree that it is cheaper than counseling He even went with me to meet some MSN members IRL when we went to Seattle and Orlando!
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #22
                Originally posted by Suzy Sunshine
                Originally posted by rainbabies
                "But you should be so proud and feel honored to do all the care for the kids and work full time since you're helping your doctor husband."
                What is WITH people? If someone I knew well ever said this to me I don't know what I'd say but I may end up on the floor laughing hysterically. :huh:
                Really? Laughing? I think I'd end up in jail for assault.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Suzy Sunshine
                  Abigail, DH and I had the same concerns when I started posting here. I'm pretty open about where I'm located and the program but then again I don't have a lot of negative to say about ours either.

                  DH definitely doesn't know my login and password though.
                  Yeah, at first I was hesitant about giving my name or city location once I'd given my job description, because I figured that it wouldn't be too hard for someone to figure out who I was. And that created all sorts of other considerations, if I wanted to remain really anonymous: do I tell people I'm in St. Louis? If so, how many details should I give about DH's program? Should I tell people where DH went to medical school? Someone might "find me out"!!

                  Then I realized, I was being overly concerned. Who cares if another resident in DH's program finds out that I'm posting here? First, I actually have pretty positive things to say about NSG and DH's residency program in particular. I'm not bad-mouthing anyone. It would be very different if his program sucked or if he was treated badly or something. Second, everyone who knows me knows that I am will never be the demure, perfect doctor's wife (as I think it is Flynn who calls it..."Stepford"), and I have a pretty dirty sense of humor. So I doubt I would embarrass DH any more on-line than I would in person at some NSG event.


                  • #24
                    Well, there are NINE Army child neurologists. Maybe 10. (I can't remember when the ONE fellow was supposed to graduate)

                    Dear lord, after the pictures that I've posted and the stories that I've told after 7 years? I'm pretty sure that everyone in military medicine and quite a few in civilian neurology/psychiatry knows who we are. Eh, maybe it'll help him find a job when we're done with payback. or conversely, maybe it will help us decide on where to go when he's done. I can guarantee that after the MN contingent posts in the winter, I'm not going there...



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by DCJenn
                      I can guarantee that after the MN contingent posts in the winter, I'm not going there...

                      :brrr: :brrr: :brrr:

                      Smart move Jenn.

                      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                      • #26
                        It wouldn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who exactly I am... DH is one of 3 interns in his program at Walter Reed, and I think I'm the only spouse named "peggy" (although the "fromwastate" thing may through them for a loop...)

                        Seriously, I've thought about this before, and how many in the medical world are looking at this site? Usually when I meet a spouse and tell them about this site, they don't follow through. One of DHs friends from med school he recognized from SDN- we still call him by his screen name even though we know his true identity...

                        Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                        • #27
                          My husband is a member here (Monkey). With access to all private forums too I believe. :huh:'s all good. He likes this site as much as me....though he was more active when I was an intern.
                          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                          • #28
                            Now that I think about it, I don't think DH knows about this site. I guess it never occurred to me to tell him.


                            • #29
                              On three separate occasions, a member of this site has come up to my husband at an interview or conference saying "my wife knows your wife from the internet" .

                              Hey, and DH thought he would be the one to make a name for himself in the medical field.

                              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                              • #30
                                He thinks it's sad that I need support, knows I do and why I do, and is glad I found the site.

