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Lunar eclipse in the morning

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  • Lunar eclipse in the morning ... ather.html
    "A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth gets directly between the sun and the moon, blocking the light that normally reflects off the moon. Portions of the pre-dawn total lunar eclipse will be visible, weather permitting, across the country. Only in the West will the entire Aug. 28 event be viewable before sunrise, however.

    The moon enters the Earth's full shadow, or umbra, at 4:51 a.m. EDT (1:51 a.m. PDT). It enters the total-eclipse phase at 5:32 EDT (2:52 PDT) and the event ends after sunrise on the East coast and at 4:22 a.m. PDT.

    Much of central and southern Florida should also enjoy mainly clear weather."

  • #2
    We had that last night (southern hemisphere) and it was great!

    The moon gradually became dark, and then just as it was almost all gone, it turned RED and stayed that way for a couple of hours! I'm not generally much into astronomy, but this was fantastic. I texted all my friends to go out and look. Hope everyone had as great a view today!


    • #3
      It was fantastic..the boys were in awe!!!

