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The trail....

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  • The trail....

    These items are all in my path from my bedroom to the kitchen

    Bedside table: kid's hairbow, remote control, baby monitor

    Floor: "Me and My Amazing Body"- It definitely wasn't talking about me. A children's book that DD#1 brought to me in one of her multiple trips out of bed last night. The book scared her and she couldn't have it in her room.
    1 empty laundry basket that needs to be taken downstairs, 3 piles of kids clothes going to Goodwill
    1 Sharpie marker and tape dispenser for sealing packed boxes, 1 piece of toilet paper

    Ledge next to stairs: 3 empty Diet Pepsi cans (I've been strung out lately), 1 displaced cordless phone and 1 baby toothbrush (teething tool), and Clorox Wipes

    On the stairs: another piece of toilet paper

    1 bucket of exterior paint next to the door from people fixing sophet vents on garage. They weren't installed when the house was originally built, 1 hairbow

    Stack of packed boxes in dining room

    Living room: 1 sleeping husband who worked from 8am to 2am on couch

    Whats in your path?

  • #2
    I don't look down anymore.

    HMMMMM, we have all the CARS toys ever made (thank you very much, extended family), and books, an open dishwasher waiting to bruise my shin, a plastic cinderella wand, a toy dinosaur that didn't make it past my pre-school drop off inspection, and pillows galore. In the living room.

    Sadly, no sleeping husband on the couch...


    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


    • #3

      My MIL is here taking care of us and she is awesome about keeping everything picked up (at least from what I can see from the bed). The breakfast dishes have already been washed and put away! Our desk however is a trainwreck of unopened mail. If you sent us a bill, it probably won't be paid anytime soon!
      Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


      • #4
        dog bones (he's worse about taking all of his toys out than the boys are)

        a dirty kitchen towel I threw up the stairs to eventually end up in the laundry room (on the 2nd floor)

        my flip flops

        thats about it. now if you asked me what's on the kitchen table, coffee table and dining room table ... I wouldn't answer.


        • #5
          from the computer to the front door: (different path, but maybe a tad more interesting)
          grocery ads, books from kids' timed reading last night, preschool drawings on "display" on the floor, my school bag, preschool bag, ballet shoes, large box of diet Mountain Dew, and a gazillion shoes by the door.


          • #6
            I am glad some people are responding. I was beginning to think I was the only one who has picking up to do!


            • #7
              This just means we have homes that we live in. I cannot even list the stuff around my house.
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #8
                Just what's in eyeshot from me:

                sticky note
                3 dog bones
                DD2's new shoes
                DD2's pajamas
                2 boxes from our new cell phones
                newspaper ads
                child's book
                white unicorn puppet


                • #9
                  • More Matchbox cars than I can count
                    Pair of Spiderman tennis shoes
                    My bag from school, full of work
                    2 boxes of baby wipes (not sure why I have 2 out!)
                    Two magazines
                    An empty laundry basket
                    2 Small "mice" kitty toys

                  Not too bad, but I've been at work and DS has been at his sitter's all day. On a Saturday, my list would be MUCH longer!


                  • #10

                    Apparently, DS grabbed some from the clean clothes hamper and has toured the apartment with them, dropping them random places.

                    I'm NOT rewashing these.


                    • #11
                      Can't list everything. I can tell you there are about 15 pairs of shoes (I'm not exaggerating) in front of the coat closet that belong to my daughters and me.
                      Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                      • #12
                        In eyeshot:
                        books and magazines,
                        DH's discarded work clothes (but he has been away for 6 days),
                        A duffel bag from a weekend trip 2 weeks ago,
                        Several cushions,
                        X box controller,
                        Junk mail,
                        Six pairs of shoes (probably all my shoes!),
                        Empty mug,
                        Empty yogurt pot

                        (Bending down makes me nauseous, honest)


                        • #13
                          I tripped over a three legged dog sprawled on the floor just around the corner. But I overstepped the sofa cushions, power ranger, half full bottle of bubbles and even said hi to the sticky frog on the ceiling on the way to the kitchen.


                          • #14
                            JulesKC wrote:

                            An empty laundry basket
                            Apparently you are in the minority with an "empty" laundry basket. I have several, some clean, some dirty, all full!!!!!
                            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                            • #15
                              Ugh, going left to right over the room, DF's favorite thing ever...the XBOX, one kitty, a box full of speakers that have yet to be set up in the move, another box marked "Crap", another kitty laying on a pile of unpaid bills on the carpet, ironing board (ugh), sad broken lamp, a box of board games...oooh, look! A spot of clear floor!


