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A gift to say thanks to pediatrician

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  • A gift to say thanks to pediatrician

    Sorry I haven't been on for a few days.

    Last week DD started vomiting blood which was quite a scary time as it definatly wasn't coming from me when I was feeding her. We had to bring her back to the maternity hospital to see the paediatricians there and low and behold who was the paeds on call but an old colleague of both DF and myself who changed from surgery to paeds a year ago. He was absolutley fantastic with DD and again saw us today to review her. Both times he skipped us through the 2 hour wait to be seen also. he next visit will be in 2 weeks but we'll be seen by the consultant who most likely won't be as personal and will discharge DD from the neonatal peds team so we won't be seeing our old colleague again.

    I'd really like to get him a token to say thanks, something original or something for a peds doctor. Any suggestions?

  • #2
    no suggestions at the moment. i'm stuck on the baby vomiting blood! what was wrong with her, and is it all resolved?? (I'm assuming it is, as I'm sure you wouldn't be so calm, but us mums-by-proxy-across-the-pond need to know it's all good!


    • #3
      No suggestions here, either....but poor little Tara. I hope she and you both are doing well!


      • #4
        Sorry, yes she's fine weighing in at a whooping 10 lbs 13.5 oz (she's feeding all that fat off my hips )

        The source of the blood is unknown it was either after a huge vomit she had after over feeding and might have had a small tear, gastritis or something else. As she was so stable and they were reluctant to investigate unless she should signs of distress, instability or her she had blood coming from the other end too so they put her on ranitadine(zantac) for a few weeks but during the week she started having black flecks in her nappy which have now returned to normal so they've extended the ranitadine for an extra 2 weeks.


        • #5
          I'm so glad to hear that she is ok!

          No ideas, but I'll ask Dh tonight......
          Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


          • #6
            so scary... You sound so calm!

            no ideas for gifts but how great that you are thinking this way! I'm sure that the doc will appreciate anything!

            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


            • #7
              It was terrifying at the time but she's doing well and piling on the pounds that I guess we have relaxed. I would feel better if we knew exactly what caused it but as long as it has resolved we're happy.


              • #8
                Hope baby gets home soon.

                We have received homemade salsa, wine, plants, and tickets to a minor league baseball team game. I know that these gestures makes DH's day!

                In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                • #9
                  Well, if you can't swing total relief of any med school debt....

                  DW has gotten several items, but the most touching has been simply a card with your gratitude. She often looks then over when she has rough days, as they are displayed in her area of the home office.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gmdcblack
                    Well, if you can't swing total relief of any med school debt....

                    DW has gotten several items, but the most touching has been simply a card with your gratitude. She often looks then over when she has rough days, as they are displayed in her area of the home office.
                    That's what I was going to say! A simple card, expressing gratitude means so much to these guys. My FIL has kept all the ones he's gotten over the years. I think they are more valuable to him then any paycheck he's ever gotten.


                    • #11
                      I'm glad she is doing well. I agree, a card with a sincere note is the best.
                      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                      • #12
                        I agree with the card thing. My husband has all of his. and he loves pictures of the babies- he puts them up on his wall at work.


