DH's program just "moved," and he was supposed to get a raise in July. Because of this "move," our insurance went up and his driving times more than doubled because the number of outlying clinics increased. We got his paycheck, and even though he got a "raise" he is making $200 less per month! I told him I am about ready to stage a strike in front of the GME office with the kids in tow. I just wish I was still nursing, so I could combine my strike with a nurse-in!
Can I/we do anything about this, or are we just stuck? Please don't give me the "look at the big picture" speech. I am thoroughly intrenched in the little picture right now, and I don't honestly believe the big picture even exists anymore.

Can I/we do anything about this, or are we just stuck? Please don't give me the "look at the big picture" speech. I am thoroughly intrenched in the little picture right now, and I don't honestly believe the big picture even exists anymore.