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Why is this just MY problem?

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  • #16
    This stinks! And here I am, throwing a fit that every thing in the move was my responsibility, as well as calling people to repair, and dealing with every maintenance item in the house. Grrr!

    I wish you the best. I am sure that will become a problem for us in just a year or two. I'll keep up on the suggestions to plan ahead, since that seems to be the key to sanity in residency.

    Sorry, didn't mean to hijack. Good luck!


    • #17
      Originally posted by migirl
      DH will say, "We need to do this" or "We should look into that" ... which really means, "I need you to do this" or "You'll need to look into that." Pisses me off every time.
      Your dh must be related to mine. It pisses me off everytime too.
      Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


      • #18
        To update...when I got to work today, I tought well, this is ridiculous. I work in a school where people use sitters and have kids who babysit so I started emailing the other teachers at my school who have older daughters. Of them, I've found someone to watch DS on the night I have something for work. In the process, I know have names and numbers of 3 other girls that I can call for babysitting. Now I can relax a little.

