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    Holy cow, I am using that word all the time lately!

    I am not sure if that's one of the words I banned from the kids, but probably. Such a loser parent in that respect.

    (At least I seem to have tackled the "dammit" problem-- hearing Luke at 2 running around saying "dammit" had something to do with it.... )

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

  • #2
    I am discovering that I swear everyday in the same spot on the highway. Nikolai now knows this and starts off saying, "there's too many people, mommy." and then repeats whatever it was that I just said to the people who just cut me off....




    • #3
      Let's just say it's a good thing dogs can't talk.


      • #4
        Oh good. I'm not the only one with a 2 year old that knows "dammit!". I try to blow it off and pretend that she's saying "diamond" so that DH won't know that she learned it from me...
        Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


        • #5
          When I hear my kids say a naughty word that I KNOW they learned from me (I have such a foul mouth), I just tell them not to say that word; it is a word for grownups. It has seemed to do the trick so far. My DS never pushed the boundaries of that and has always seemed to understand right and wrong. My DD...well, we'll see who is getting called into Kindergarten to talk about colorful language in a few years.

          I have had friends swear in front of my kids and then fall all over themselves apologizing, and I am thinking, puhleeze. Really there is no need to apologize for that in this house.

          I said stupid a few times in front of my nephew this summer, and he got all over my case, "That's a bad word!!" My kids use it too. It doesn't really bother me. Then, my little adorable nephew said to my son, "You're so dumb!" I'm sorry, but it's all about context. I told him that while we say situations are sometimes stupid or things seem stupid, we never call people stupid or dumb. It isn't the word that's bad, it is the intention of how it is used. My son has always seemed to understand this, but he's a little prococious and very compassionate. My nephew, not so much.
          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


          • #6
            Vanquisher- we are the same with stupid. This past summer I said stupid about something, and my nephew went ballistic. "Aunt Peggy we are not allowed to say STUPID, it is a VERY naughty word..."

            While Luke is running arounds saying "Dammit!"

            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


            • #7
              You are SO not alone. Quinn has taken to saying "damn!" when he doesn't get his way. EX: in the cereal aisle, the boys asked for some sugar-top-of-sugar-crisp cereal. DH says "sure!" I say "NO WAY!" Quinn says "DAMN'!"

              We've had the talk about grownup words, and it seems to help. As it is they do see 'stupid' and 'suck' and 'butt' as the "real" bad words.

              The funniest one happened a couple of months ago. We were walking to a playground, and there was a woman sitting at the picnic shetler. As we approach, Quinn says "Who the hell is that?" Uh ... we had a chat.

              Oh - and I have a distinct memory from 7th grade regarding "sucks". I'd written Stephen King's quote "There is no gravity, the earth just sucks." on my binder. My mother found it and woke me to say that 'suck' is not an appropriate word, b/c it connotates oral sex. I'm pretty sure that up to that point I didn't know what oral sex was, but you can be certain I made sure to use the word "suck" as often as possible in conversation with my cronies from there on out.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Genivieve

                The funniest one happened a couple of months ago. We were walking to a playground, and there was a woman sitting at the picnic shetler. As we approach, Quinn says "Who the hell is that?" Uh ... we had a chat.

                Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                • #9
                  yeah, well ds told the dog to move his "stinky asshole" the other day. i thought i was going to die.

                  i have never said that to the dog before. i may have told him to move his ass, or he stinks...but never stinky asshole. :huh:

                  we try really hard not to swear in front of the kids. we dont say shut up, stupid, or dumb either. im waiting for someone to slip at preschool.
                  ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                  • #10
                    We have a weekly playgroup with a bunch of moms and kids around DS's age (18-24 mos), and the other day I said "shit" and one of the little girls repeated after me. OMG, I was completely mortified. I apologized to the mom, but I still feel kinda weird around her.

                    I also make no efforts (at this time) to curtail my speech around DS, I should probably start though.

                    -Wife of urology attending.
                    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                    • #11
                      These made me laugh
                      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                      • #12
                        My son announced to his nursery school class that "It is not acceptable" to cut in line. Then immediately concluded, "That's just the deal. Period."


                        • #13
                          I was babysitting for a 3 year old and he was riding his scooter around the house (yes, his mom lets him ride his scooter inside the house :huh: ) but he stubbed his toe and i hear him say "oh f*** it" I go "Anthony what did you just say?!" and he goes "me say 'f*** it!'" and i go "where did you learn that?!" and he goes "me daddy says it all the time..." i was trying so hard not to crack up, but i bet his daddy got in trouble that night!!

                          another time (same kid) we were vacuuming (he's amused by this) and i walked away for a little bit and he takes the hose and he puts it on his face and it's sucking his cheek in and he laughs then he pulls down his pants and does it down there and he goes "look lauren (pronounced by him lawen) this feels funny!!"

                          oh kids...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by *Lily*
                            My sister was cut off in traffic by a guy driving a jaguar. A minute or so later, she heard her daughter from the backseat ask, "Mommy, what's that prick doing?"

                            My friend had a habit of saying MFer when she'd stub a toe, or close a finger in a drawer, etc. (this is the girl that taught me to swear). When her son was at the age where they start to pick up on things but you haven't quite realized it, she jammed her finger badly and said "MOTHER ..." catching herself before she said the rest. Too late though, b/c the 2.5 year old piped up "F*CKER". She was shocked, then laughed, then started calling everyone to see if she could get him to do it on the phone.

                            Then she stopped and started watching her language more carefully.


                            • #15
                              When my DH was 5 and sitting in the back seat on vacation with his parents, he happened to have a loose tooth that he was wiggling and would not come out. He proclaimed, "Stupid cocksucker!" MIL immediately said, "Randy!!" Yup, Dad's fault.
                              Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

