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  • Pagers

    Hate them, don't like it around me, cringe at the sound of it.

    While DH and I were grocery shopping today, his pager went off.

    I shot a glance at him and asked if it was really necessary for him to carry that piece of crap on him? (I'm just a little bitter, can you tell?)

    He said that he told his chief that he would carry it on him just for tonight.

    After reading all the horror stories of doctors leaving spouses behind, without any hesitation, I asked, "So are you going to leave me here at the store if you were being called in?"

    The look on DH's face! :happyrolling:

    With a perplexed look he replied, "Where would you get that from? Of course not!"

    I hunched back into the cart and muffled, "Yeah, right."

    I think iMSN may have been a bad influence on me in this case. :guilty:

    How do you feel about our little friend, the pager? Any funny/horror/good/bad/embrassing pager stories?

  • #2
    Hate it, but it must be worn at all times, on call or not.


    • #3
      Originally posted by madeintaiwan
      Hate it, but it must be worn at all times, on call or not.
      Ditto when DH was in training.

      Now when he's not on call he doesn't wear it.

      I eventually got over the pager thing.
      There were years where it went off 5-20 times a day.

      I could get over it, or turn into a psycho. I chose the former.

      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


      • #4
        DH is on intern sick call right now. We can't go more than an hour from the hospital and his pager, scrubs, Crocs and other gear go with us everywhere.
        Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


        • #5
          Hate them!
          Dh doesn't carry his pager around unless he's on call. Mostly, they just call his cell phone and skip that middle step. Grrr.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            My DW also doesn't carry hers around unless she is working. She does get irritated at the number of pages she gets when she's not working. She sees it as a lack of efficiency for those who are working. And she has never once answered one of them. Good sign.


            • #7
              Originally posted by madeintaiwan
              Hate it, but it must be worn at all times, on call or not.
              Ditto! The only time DH doesn't have it is when he's on vacation and we're out of town.

              One time when he was on primary call, he left it at home by accident after getting called in. The rest of the night, he had me call him on his cell phone each time it went off to tell him what number was paging him. It was a total PITA! It was like we were both on call that night.

              Now when he's on-call, he's back up! I love 4th and 5th years of residency if for only that reason. Because he's back-up, the pager doesn't go off nearly as often. Mostly he only gets paged if something is going to surgery on the nights he's on-call.


              • #8
                Well Since DH is a roter rooter man @ 6 different hospitals, you can bet we live by the pager & DHs cell...thank God not all MIs are acute, and Thrombolytics can hold them until AM.

                ETA he gives his cell out, becuase too manytimes Dr.s that like DH & want him to see their patients, often discover that one of his partners
                "didn't realize" the Pg was for DH when you can't trust your own partners!


                • #9
                  I hate those little hunks of plastic-coated-family-distruption!

                  DH has to wear TWO of them!


                  • #10
                    WHY oh WHY does DF have to use it as his alarm every morning? IT drives me insane! I know he has to deal with it going off many many more times, but seriously...the reason is because he won't wake up to anything else. And I HATE when he wakes up and doesn't get up...then he falls asleep and is late. I hate that it makes me feel like I have to stay awake at 3:30am to make sure he gets up. I have gotten to the point of letting him be late. I refuse to set habits now that I know very well will continue for the rest of our lives. So little rant.



                    • #11
                      We don't have pagers here. All doctors have to give their cell phone numbers to the hospital and they get called directly. It's really annoying. A lot of doctors have two numbers in fact, so that they can turn their "hospital" number off when they are not on call.

                      DH left me at the dinner table at a restaurant once . The waiters didn't know what to do and were probably too embarassed to ask if he was gone for good or not. I ended up having to eat both our meals (thank God DH only ordered a salad) and having to flail my arms to get the waiters' attention (as they were all trying to discreetly ignore me) in order to get the bill and leave.


                      • #12
                        We have two pagers- because they can't figure out how to page only the person on call so there's the regular pager and then the 'on-call' pager.

                        The regular pager lives with us. I should make him a bed or something. Take him to vet, see if we can declare him another child on the taxes. But it's fine, really.

                        Actually, there are very few CN 'emergencies' that require that they go into the hospital but since my husband is a hand-holder, he'll go in to work w/ the parents of the child.



                        • #13
                          Mr Pager woke me up at 345 am. Not DH, who sleeps thru everything.

                          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by peggyfromwastate
                            Mr Pager woke me up at 345 am. Not DH, who sleeps thru everything.
                            My DH has some mild hearing loss, so I am always the one who hears the pager go off in the middle of the night. Most of the time I kick him to wake him up, or if that doesn't work, I go get the stupid thing and chuck it at his head.


                            • #15
                              Hear hear! I'll take that lesson...chucking it at his head sounds like a cathartic activity at 3am...


