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New Forum

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  • New Forum

    I think my global announcement disappeared.

    In any glitches, problems, gleeful joyful noises here.

    You may notice that some of the forums have been consolidated into subforums....If you have any suggestions for more consolidation or more subforums, let one of the admins know.
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Re: New Forum

    thanks Kris! so far so good, and it looks great!


    • #3
      Re: New Forum

      Too bad you lost the last post. It was full of such glee from me...such a rarity.

      Anyway, I just keep finding more and more and more and more stuff I am loving about the new forum.

      Did you know that when you click on PM from a post, it references the post and quotes it all pretty in your PM? It does!! It is so smart! It even titles it for you. If you want I will make a new list of how much I love this new forum. The colors, the smilie access, the PM threads, and No, "YOU REFRESH TOO MUCH, YOU SILLY LOSER" when you refresh all the time like me.

      Drool, love, love, drool. New board rocks.

      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #4
        Re: New Forum

        I like the age appropriate subcategories to the parents forum...

        I also like the smilies right there.

        Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


        • #5
          Re: New Forum

          I 2nd Sandy's suggestion about the admin names. They keep drawing my eye over, and I think old posts are new. Also, if there is a way to deliniate between the sticky's and most recently posted threads, that would be helpful.

          Just observations - certianly not criticisms - and take your time!

          I've got to say, I haven't "seen" Heidi this happy in ... well, ever! I hope that warms your heart Kris.


          • #6
            Re: New Forum

   come it doesn't say I'm online, even when I am? I changed the "hide online status" to "no"....
            Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


            • #7
              Re: New Forum

              Originally posted by poky
     come it doesn't say I'm online, even when I am? I changed the "hide online status" to "no"....
              It will update the status the next time you log in, like after you close your browser and reopen it.
              Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


              • #8
                Re: New Forum

                Originally posted by Genivieve
                I 2nd Sandy's suggestion about the admin names. They keep drawing my eye over, and I think old posts are new. Also, if there is a way to deliniate between the sticky's and most recently posted threads, that would be helpful.

                Just observations - certianly not criticisms - and take your time!

                I've got to say, I haven't "seen" Heidi this happy in ... well, ever! I hope that warms your heart Kris.

                I would also like to see new posts jump out at me more in some way. Admin names jump out more than anything. It is a little distracting.

                Even Chad noticed how happy I was today.

                But, as you know, I am already loving the new changes. It feels so fresh and alive.
                Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                • #9
                  Re: New Forum

                  Yay! thanks. I didn't actually have to close my browser, just log out and back in (duh!).
                  Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                  • #10
                    Re: New Forum

                    I love the new font!
                    Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


                    • #11
                      Re: New Forum

                      I like the little dot that is on the page-thingie to the left of topics that shows whether or not i have posted to a in the congrats threads or the sympathy threads...I forget whether or not I've I can just look for the dot instead of searching through 3, or 4 or 5 pages. Neat.

                      I do kinda wish though that unread threads stood out a little least the little page with the arrow is still there to jump to new post....and its cool that it works even if you've stayed online but someone posted something doesn't just go to the recent post of the session but the recent post since you looked at the thread. Cool.
                      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                      • #12
                        Re: New Forum

                        Do the tickers show up funny on everyone else's screen? Or is something wrong with our computer. :huh:
                        Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


                        • #13
                          Re: New Forum

                          Looks good to me!
                          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                          • #14
                            Re: New Forum

                            Originally posted by Michele
                            I like the little dot that is on the page-thingie to the left of topics that shows whether or not i have posted to a in the congrats threads or the sympathy threads...I forget whether or not I've I can just look for the dot instead of searching through 3, or 4 or 5 pages. Neat.

                            I do kinda wish though that unread threads stood out a little least the little page with the arrow is still there to jump to new post....and its cool that it works even if you've stayed online but someone posted something doesn't just go to the recent post of the session but the recent post since you looked at the thread. Cool.
                            I did not know that about the dots! I am learning something new everytime I come here. I was thinking, what dots? And, then I saw them. This could be bad for me. I don't have a dot on that thread, better stick a :nothing: in there.

                            Need dots on all threads. Kris, you've created a monster. OOOOOOH dots!!!
                            Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                            • #15
                              Re: New Forum

                              Who knew that this is all you would need, Heidi. I'll keep this in mind for other down times! When you're feeling on the edge, let me know...and I'll roll out something new.

                              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

