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Someone just shoot me now....

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  • Someone just shoot me now....

    Cause Lord knows when DH finds out what I just did he's gonna anyway. I have not been the best at making decisions where money is concerned lately. First the $750 dog that my DD had to have for her birthday that has the severe overbite and skin condition, and now this. I made the mistake of promising my youngest DD tickets to the Hannah Montana concert in Dec. It falls a couple weeks after her birthday so I think no problem. I was on the computer when tickets went on sale this morning. I have great high speed service but I was completely shut out!!!

    Tickets prices on other sites are through the roof for crappy seats. So I just shelled out $600 for 4 tickets to the teenie booper show. He's gonna kill me.

  • #2
    Re: Someone just shoot me now....


    You'll be the coolest mom on the block. and really- tell him to work an extra hour and be quiet!



    • #3
      Re: Someone just shoot me now....

      I have a 9 year old girl and a 7 year old girl who want to know if you will adopt them. They come with lots of shoes.
      Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


      • #4
        Re: Someone just shoot me now....

        THis is an opportunity for him to score major points with the kids! Maybe have him give them the ticks! What's done is done!

        Are you going to the concert??? Is it Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus singing?

        Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


        • #5
          Re: Someone just shoot me now....

          worst advice ever?

          Don't tell him and hide the credit card bill :> Go and have a good time and make some payments on the side.

          Not...that I would ever do that or anything. :>

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            Re: Someone just shoot me now....

            Originally posted by trisha2486
            Tickets prices on other sites are through the roof for crappy seats. So I just shelled out $600 for 4 tickets to the teenie booper show. He's gonna kill me.
            But the look on her face, and the fun that she'll have, and the love she'll have for you is priceless!


            About the money thing, maybe you can be more conservative with your spending for the next month or so to make up for the inflated price you paid for those tickets. It'll even out that way.

            You're a great momma though!


            • #7
              Re: Someone just shoot me now....

              yea i would pretty much be dead meat! but at least you know you guys will have fun!!

