The site's "publicity director" has even gone on several radio stations across the country pretending the site was real while fielding questions from angry djs and listeners. The site has gotten over 20 million hits in just a couple of weeks as well as thousands upon thousands of angry e-mails.
John Ordover, the site's creator, spoke to The New York Times and said he created the fake site to prove inconsistencies in state marriage laws. States consider it illegal for adults to have sex with kids, but allow kids as young as 12 to marry with permission. “As far as I can tell, in every state but Oregon, parents can marry off their children."
John Ordover, the site's creator, spoke to The New York Times and said he created the fake site to prove inconsistencies in state marriage laws. States consider it illegal for adults to have sex with kids, but allow kids as young as 12 to marry with permission. “As far as I can tell, in every state but Oregon, parents can marry off their children."