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Gearing Up For The Week....

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  • Gearing Up For The Week....

    Anyone else frantically avoiding getting ready for the week to start? On my to-do list are study for a quiz, clean up my entire desk area, put away all of my scrapbooking stuff (Amanda went through all of my pictures last week for an assignment and left stuff scattered all over the floor )clean kitchen/living room, fold laundry, etc etc etc.

    Instead of DOING these things, I'm here.

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

    You're asking ME for secrets on how to get off the internet?

    There has got to be a pill.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

      Not looking forward to the upcoming week. I have some deadlines coming up and dh's mother is trying to get ahold of us to plan a November trip to Chicago (I'm not picking up my phone, and have instructed dh to do the same) She's not allowed to visit us until we have a kid.
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #4
        Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

        i really have nothing going on this week. but, i do have three loads of laundry on my bed thats calling for attention. i have two on the floor waiting to be washed, one in the wash, one in the dryer and two sitting on the dryer waiting to be added to the pile on my bed. i hate laundry. dh had to go out in the laundry room last night in search of clothes after his shower...cause i hadnt brought them in yet. poor cold, wet honey.:>
        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #5
          Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

          I've got to pack lunches for both boys, but then I'm settling in to watch the emmys.


          • #6
            Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

            I hear ya. I'm currently watching Rock of Love on VH1. My procrastinating has reached a new low.


            • #7
              Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

              lunches are made, breakfast is ready to be assembled (I even made homemade blueberry syrup- which is all of a 1/2 pint of blueberries, 3 Tbls water, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp biggie)

              I've discovered that my life is infinitely easier if I become my own sous chef on Sundays- I diced an onion, chopped up and rebagged broccoli, green and red peppers, wash lettuce, etc. I have two mangoes that are about to go bad so I should do them too. (Otherwise our meals end up being a bowl of cereal or Chik'N nuggets. Not that there's anything wrong w/ those- but we both get bored after a while)

              I did get most of the office put back together. I have Rick's diplomas on TWO shelves. My side pales by comparison. (at least in sheer numbers. Why wold anyone get more than one Community College diploma, let alone 3?)

              But now? I'm taking a break and then my and my girly cramps are going to bed.



              • #8
                Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

                Well it's off to the pediatrician tomorrw to see if the white spots on DS left toncil are strep! If so , then this will be my 1ST experience w/ it as a mommy. Will all of the kids including the babe be on antibiotics?


                • #9
                  Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

                  Most peds I've encountered will only prescribe it if they (each kid) is symptomatic (at the very least), and/or have had a positive strep test.

                  I hope he gets better soon.


                  • #10
                    Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

                    Originally posted by pinkpickles
                    Well it's off to the pediatrician tomorrw to see if the white spots on DS left toncil are strep! If so , then this will be my 1ST experience w/ it as a mommy. Will all of the kids including the babe be on antibiotics?
                    shudder, shudder....

                    I hope he is feeling better soon..and...that it isn't strep...

                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

                      Pinkpickles: We've had lots of strep experience! DS had it for 5 continuous weeks once, went went through several antibiotics including Rifampin that had to be compounded and was "experimental". After that we switched to a ped who knew what they were doing.

                      Anyway, during a later bout of strep the ped told us that babies <2 rarely get strep throat, if they get a strep infection it is usually in the form of an ear infection.

                      Hope all goes well!


                      • #12
                        Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

                        I'm not looking forward to the week as it is 8:40am on Monday, I'm exhausted and need a vacation from my vacation.
                        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                        • #13
                          Re: Gearing Up For The Week....

                          Originally posted by Genivieve
                          Most peds I've encountered will only prescribe it if they (each kid) is symptomatic (at the very least), and/or have had a positive strep test.

                          I hope he gets better soon.
                          Our peds usually just give us all meds. We have a history of everyone catching strep- but the kids respond super fast to the penicillin, so that's good... But Strep is feared around here--- we always come down with it on a Friday afternoon, and have to suffer the weekend until the clinic opens. Hopefully this season DH can write scrips for us???

                          Anyway, our big week has started and we *almost* missed the bus this morning, which would have meant 45 minutes of driving in traffic to get to Kate's school and back to our school for the twins.

                          The big activity for me is dragging out the fall 07 clothes and packing away the others. Sorting for 4 kids is not my idea of "fun"... but it must be done. usually I don't do the "sort" until December, so.... I just want to avoid the teachers notes about sending kids to school in their shorts and tank tops in October...

                          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

