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Anesthesia Conference in San Fran? Anyone?

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  • Anesthesia Conference in San Fran? Anyone?

    Is anyone going to the anesthesia conference in San Fransisco, October 14-17? My DH wants to go because people told him that it would help him get into the program here. Anyone going? I have family and friends that live there so it's an excuse for a vacation for me!

  • #2
    Re: Anesthesia Conference in San Fran? Anyone?

    No, but I was just there - have a great time! While you're in the bay area he should check out the program at Stanford - if you're willing to live in SF with their high costs Palo Alto isn't any worse. In fact I think they pay more.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Re: Anesthesia Conference in San Fran? Anyone?

      Nope, dh isn't. We were planning on making a weekend trip of it. dh's dept. was going to help finance a few people from the dept. to go, but it wouldn't have been enough.

      If you need a cheap hotel (in a good area), let me know! I LOVE SF!
      married to an anesthesia attending

