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scary Crocs story

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  • scary Crocs story

    All three of my kids have Crocs and ride the escalator at Target regularly. Not anymore.

    By SARAH KARUSH - Associated Press Writer

    WASHINGTON(AP) At rail stations and shopping malls around the world, reports are popping up of people, particularly young children, getting their toes caught in escalators. The one common theme seems to be the clunky soft-soled clogs known by the name of the most popular brand, Crocs.

    One of the nation's largest subway systems _ the Washington Metro _ has even posted ads warning riders about wearing such shoes on its moving stairways. The ads feature a photo of a crocodile, though they don't mention Crocs by name.

    Four-year-old Rory McDermott got a Croc-clad foot caught in an escalator last month at a mall in northern Virginia. His mother managed to yank him free, but the nail on his big toe was almost completely ripped off, causing heavy bleeding.

    At first, Rory's mother had no idea what caused the boy's foot to get caught. It was only later, when someone at the hospital remarked on Rory's shoes, that she began to suspect the Crocs and did an Internet search.

    "I came home and typed in 'Croc' and 'escalator,' and all these stories came up," said Jodi McDermott, of Vienna, Va. "If I had known, those would never have been worn."

    According to reports appearing across the United States and as far away as Singapore and Japan, entrapments occur because of two of the biggest selling points of shoes like Crocs: their flexibility and grip. Some report the shoes get caught in the "teeth" at the bottom or top of the escalator, or in the crack between the steps and the side of the escalator.

    The reports of serious injuries have all involved young children. Crocs are commonly worn by children as young as 2. The company introduced shoes in its smallest size, 4/5, this past spring.

    Niwot, Colo.-based Crocs Inc. said it does not keep records of the reasons for customer-service calls. But the company said it is aware of "very few" problems relating to accidents involving the shoes, which are made of a soft, synthetic resin.

  • #2
    Re: scary Crocs story

    This happened to me when I was little (Downtown Seattle Public Library - the old one). I was wearing penny loafers (kids don't wear those anymore), and I think because they were leather, I didn't lose any toes.
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #3
      Re: scary Crocs story

      I didn't get my foot caught in the side, it was at the top of the escalator, where the stairs get "sucked" in. The tip of my shoe got sucked in... Be really careful, and step off the escalator. I'm scared of them to this day.
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #4
        Re: scary Crocs story

        I've never really understood the whole Crocs trend. Seems just like a piece of foam with holes in it turned into a shoe. But this can happen to any flimsy shoe. Really people just need to pay attention to what they are doing and pay attention to what their kids are doing.


        • #5
          Re: scary Crocs story

          Originally posted by Roscablo
          I've never really understood the whole Crocs trend. Seems just like a piece of foam with holes in it turned into a shoe. But this can happen to any flimsy shoe. Really people just need to pay attention to what they are doing and pay attention to what their kids are doing.
          I swear, the escalator just sucked me in!

          My husband wears Crocs in the OR. You can just wash off blood.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            Re: scary Crocs story

            there was also a front page article the other day here that read something like Crocs can kill. IT was because all the nurses are wearing them and in Sweden or Norway they have been interferring with medical equipment and then a hospital in Sheffield in the Uk have decided to ban them for medical staff for the same reason, and also on health and safety grounds because of the holes, if you were carrying a used needle tray and dropped it has the potential to go through the hole.

            I love my crocs for wearing around the house and DS loves, loves loves his. DF is delighted they are being banned as he hates the sight of them


            • #7
              Re: scary Crocs story

              Eeeks, Jane!
              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #8
                Re: scary Crocs story

                I beleive the WI hospitals have outlawed them (I think it was WI).
                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                • #9
                  Re: scary Crocs story

                  Originally posted by Pollyanna
                  Originally posted by Suzy Sunshine
                  I beleive the WI hospitals have outlawed them (I think it was WI).
                  I can't believe anyone would wear them in the OR, all those holes just makes it that much easier for the blood and other goo to hang out in your shoe. YUCK. DH only wears his leather Danskos and even then has issues, OB is a fluid rich field.
                  DH says the same thing - he doesn't understand why they'd wear them with open holes. I haven't seen his OR dansko's in years b/c he doesn't want to bring them home - he says someday he'll just throw them away at work in the biohazard bag.
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #10
                    Re: scary Crocs story

                    I beleive the WI hospitals have outlawed them (I think it was WI).

                    DH and I are in WI, and he hasn't heard of this. Good Lord, I hope the Crocs-craze dies out!! Those things are fugly- to the nth degree!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    • #11
                      Re: scary Crocs story

                      [quote=Suzy Sunshine]
                      Originally posted by Pollyanna
                      Originally posted by "Suzy Sunshine":1d8e9
                      I beleive the WI hospitals have outlawed them (I think it was WI).
                      I can't believe anyone would wear them in the OR, all those holes just makes it that much easier for the blood and other goo to hang out in your shoe. YUCK. DH only wears his leather Danskos and even then has issues, OB is a fluid rich field.
                      DH says the same thing - he doesn't understand why they'd wear them with open holes. I haven't seen his OR dansko's in years b/c he doesn't want to bring them home - he says someday he'll just throw them away at work in the biohazard bag. [/quote:1d8e9]

                      I think people wear them in the OR because they're light - you're on your feet all day. The holes in the shoes - because again, if you're on your feet all day, you can get some wicked foot odor. Ventilation!

                      I wouldn't wear them to a dinner party at Charlie Trotter's (if we don't get the rest of the $, I'm still thinking about the big dinner splurge! ), but they are cute on small kids and skinny people.
                      married to an anesthesia attending


                      • #12
                        Re: scary Crocs story

                        Hmm, maybe it wasn't WI but it was one of the states around me and I would think they'd outlaw them for everyone but I specifically heard the nurses union had outlawed them.
                        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                        • #13
                          Re: scary Crocs story

                          My DW wears a professional version of them. They have no holes on top. But I think she perfers her Danskos.


                          • #14
                            Re: scary Crocs story

                            My family wears them -- we even bought the knock-offs at Payless for the baby. So comfy (the baby just chews on his -- don't worry, his aren't the ones that were recalled). DH wears his to the hospital. But he's just in peds so the worse that could happen is a kid throws up or pees on them. But that could happen at home too.

                            I had to get the ones that are the Mary Jane style for myself. In gold of course.
                            Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                            • #15
                              Re: scary Crocs story

                              Originally posted by grasshopper
                              I hope the Crocs-craze dies out!! Those things are fugly!
                              Hehe. Agreed!

