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um, Hello?

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  • um, Hello?

    Where is all of the scintillating conversation?

    You do all realize that it is YOUR JOB to keep me calm and entertained. Right?
    and it's nearly 10pm on a Saturday night and I KNOW that there are a lot of docs on-call and where are their spouses?

    Not entertaining me, that's for sure.

    Poor turn-out. You disappoint me.

    No pressure though.


  • #2
    Re: um, Hello?


    that's all I have to say.



    • #3
      Re: um, Hello?

      I am online now because DH has "Saving Private Ryan" on in the bedroom. I love that movie and hate that movie. I am NOT a sentimental or emotional person, but I always end up crying. After watching, on and off, and getting choked up at least twice, I decided to come online for a while.

      Both my grandfathers served in WWII. Both signed up and left right after war was declared. My maternal grandfather was a medic and one of the first to cross the Rhine (spelling? ). Man, did he have some stories, but he never spoke about the war until just a few years before he died. Fortunately, once he opened up, we had his whole story recorded on CD as told in first-person, and donated it, along with his many pictures, to the WWII project at the Library of Congress (they were soliciting such materials). My paternal grandfather told everyone for fifty years that he flew cargo planes in noncombat zones in Europe. After he passed, we found out from the government that he didn't flying cargo planes at all, but had flown these really dangerous missions in the Pacific Theater, to do reconaissance. He never told anyone, not even my grandmother.

      I can't imagine what it takes to serve, especially when you're all of 17 or 18. To leave everything you know and love because your country asked you to.

      But, Jenn, I guess you probably know all about serving your country a lot more than I ever will!


      • #4
        Re: um, Hello?

        I think we may be the only people online right now. I'm trying to make myself tired, realizing that DH is supposed to finish his shift about now, and the second I fall asleep, he'll probably walk in and wake me up. So, basically, I'm online window shopping.

        Is it wrong that I wish we had separate bedrooms every once in a while? I'm comfy all spread out with my laptop, remote, phone, 10 pillows, and when he comes in, it will have to get cleaned up to make room for DH.
        Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


        • #5
          Re: um, Hello?

          Those WWII guys had some stories to tell. My grandfather enlisted in the Navy in lieu of being drafted by the Army and was a cook. He described it as "a cook on a troop transport ship in the Pacific." It was many years later that my mother figured out that he was the guy serving the Marines their last meals. Kind of explained a lot about why he was as fastidious and exacting as he was when he owned a hotel/bar.

          We included all of our WWII memorabilia and stories to the memorial, too.

          My Great-uncle ended up running the European resorts where all of the Generals would go to plan out their next moves. He dropped out of Penn State because he had to serve. He had one semester left. He ended up w/ enough experience and contacts that he was able to end up running some pretty prestigious places in the golf world. BUT it always bothered him that he had never finished his degree. Prior to his 90th birthday, his daughter contacted Penn State to see if they would just give the guy his diploma. They said no. and this is when it gets really cool- they asked her to provide them w/ his resume and they actually were able to give him credit for 'real life experience' and on his 90th birthday w/ his only daughter, ALL of his nieces and nephews (my dad being one) and all of us- the great-nieces and nephews- his daughter presented him w/ his college diploma. It rocked. It was probably one of the top-ten family moments, EVER.

          Our guys are strong and tough but THOSE guys? amazing.



          • #6
            Re: um, Hello?

            sorry! we were making s'mores with neighbors, and then cleaning up Jacob's puke ...

            What happened to the friends coming to entertain you?

            Today I have 2 dogs that are trying to establish pecking order to entertain me. Pretty sure Lucy is going to win. I'll keep you posted.


            • #7
              Re: um, Hello?

              Our friends kept me entertained until about 9pm. I ended up staying up until 2am buying airplane tickets/Concert tickets/hotel room (see under retail therapy)

              I got an email from him at 3am my time that he was sitting at Shannon airport waiting for his flight to the states. I expect that they're on the ground at Ft. Dix by now.

              Wooo Hoo.



              • #8
                Re: um, Hello?

                Yay!! :stars:

                your sig ticker still says 8 days; it's not going to take him THAT long to get to Texas from Alabama, is it?
                Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                • #9
                  Re: um, Hello?

                  Safe travels Rick!

                  Jenn - when he arrives, please come up for air long enough to tell us he's home safe & sound.


                  • #10
                    Re: um, Hello?

                    Originally posted by DCJenn
                    they actually were able to give him credit for 'real life experience' and on his 90th birthday w/ his only daughter, ALL of his nieces and nephews (my dad being one) and all of us- the great-nieces and nephews- his daughter presented him w/ his college diploma. It rocked. It was probably one of the top-ten family moments, EVER.
                    Oh, wow. What an awesome story...


                    • #11
                      Re: um, Hello?

                      Originally posted by *Lily*
                      my inlaws arrive Tuesday
                      Mine too! Let's have a drink, shall we?

                      I'm glad (assume) that your dh was unharmed??? Sounds like an awful week, and week ahead.

                      As far as your board war, I keep hearing "One, two, three, four! Let's have a board (thumb) war!" in my head. Sorry it got ugly.

