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  • #16
    Re: SAHMs...

    Originally posted by MD/PhD Wife
    Originally posted by rainbabies
    quite the do working moms do it? i dont think i could get up everyday and out the door with my kids..go to work, pick up the kids, run errands, do chores, play house wife, make dinner, put kids to bed, do my thing, do my husband and then do it again the next day.

    you...working moms, are awesome!


    • #17
      Re: SAHMs...

      Having been on both sides of the WOHM/SAHM fence, I can say with 100% honesty the challenges and benefits are just different.

      I'm going to pose some questions that may overstate the case, but allow me some literary license to make my point Choose: Mommy burnout or Mommy guilt? Having too much to do in one day or having too much to do without enough social interaction and brain engaging activity? Being made to feel that your neglecting your kids or not living up to the potential of all of those degrees? (I won't even touch the family dynamic of going from two incomes to a single breadwinner...I don't know how to phrase it in PC terms).

      Neither is easier or harder, you just pick your poison. (Not that I think that motherhood is the equivalent of poison , but you get my drift.)

      I'm just thrilled that I'm in a position to choose and not forced into a decision that may or may not fit the family's needs.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #18
        Re: SAHMs...

        I've been on both sides of this fence, SAHM and working outside the home. For me, being home is INFINITELY easier and less stressful. But everyone has a different experience. If I had three little ones under the age of 4 I can guarantee my opinions would be drastically different.

        There are advantages and disadvantages to both existences. While I no longer have to deal with ornery department heads or a marketing department that can't compose a coherent program to save their lives, I also have less adult interaction to help keep what little sanity I have left after being home with my three stooges for almost 4 years.


        • #19
          Re: SAHMs...

          I agree with Kelly, both are hard. SAHM's go crazy by the issolation you have, especially with babies - but then enjoy to see all the firsts, to cuddle during the day and so forth. Then a SAHM can really envy the $$ the working mom can make for herself, and the fact that 24 hours a day her work isn't torn down by critters who are sappose to be their blood - but seriously can you relate to someone who is 30" tall and yanks down everything you put away? I have been doing the working at home, taking care of the home thing for over 5 years. It's great, I am the care taker, and I can make some $, BUT that means during naps all the home stuff that I could catch up on doesn't get done...yep I'm talking lint, dust, and piles... of laundry. It also means I can't stay out on long errands or getting together with people, less I lose DD's nap time, which I need to work. I think you just have to take the good of where you are at, accept that it's not perfect, and try to enjoy the life you have. This summer I took a break so I could work on the house and I didn't have things as organized as I had hoped, with not working during naps. Oh well I guess that's cause I hate to clean all day. I mean a clean house means a wasted life right?


          • #20
            Re: SAHMs...

            Originally posted by house elf
            Having been on both sides of the WOHM/SAHM fence, I can say with 100% honesty the challenges and benefits are just different.

            I'm going to pose some questions that may overstate the case, but allow me some literary license to make my point Choose: Mommy burnout or Mommy guilt? Having too much to do in one day or having too much to do without enough social interaction and brain engaging activity?

            I've never worked post kids but some friends who do would agree with the above statement 100%.

            I'm lucky I never had to choose with the "financial gun to my head."
            I will say though that being a SAHP is the hardest, most exhausting job I've ever had bar none. I'm having a ball now -- but the years with an infant/toddler AND a surgical residency were brutal.

            Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

            “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


            • #21
              Re: SAHMs...

              Kelly said it best. She can always speak to the working parent experience so well.


              • #22
                Re: SAHMs...

                borrowing from Kelly
                Originally posted by house elf
                Mommy burnout & Mommy guilt! Having too much to do in one day & having too much to do without enough social interaction and brain engaging activity! Feeling that your neglecting your kids or not living up to the potential of all of those degrees?
                Yep, this is the caption under my iMSN yearbook photo


                • #23
                  Re: SAHMs...

                  So.... SAHM to healthy kids is a bit different from SAHM when everyone is sick. And not taking meds. That really does suck. But otherwise my word-- I am wiped out having just deposited little people to their various schools and stuff. Add in the headaches of getting myself to work, and when pray tell do working people shop for groceries??? I don't know what's easier, but...

                  Abigail I hope your little guy is feelign better b/c sick kids take up a lot of time and bring on a lot of extra chores! Draining to everyone!

                  Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

