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NPR... Let's share!

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  • NPR... Let's share!

    I wasn't sure where to post this...we don't have a thread/forum for radio? :huh:

    There are quite a few NPR fans on here, and I thought it might be fun to have a thread where we list links to pieces we enjoyed or found compelling.

    What have you heard on NPR that you would like to share?

    I enjoyed this: ... d=14899836

  • #2
    Re: NPR... Let's share!

    I don't have any links. But, dh is totally and completely in love with A Prairie Home Companion. He forces me to listen to it on occasion.
    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
    With fingernails that shine like justice
    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


    • #3
      Re: NPR... Let's share!

      I love NPR!!! I LOVE the Splendid Table, Car Talk and A Prairie Home Companion.

      But as far as the commentary talk shows:

      Diane Rehm: I like her focus on mental disabilities, and over the last year or so she has had some really good programs covering autism. I HATE her political dialoge though, it's always a we hate Bush rant, and I find it not helpful but a liberal ranting. Which I think is to bad cause she is better than that.

      The Story: This is a program in NC that I LOVE!!! They stories on people with fun stories, sad stories, historical thought provoking stories. It's

      And I like Talk of the Nation alot.

      I don't like Science friday though. They get into such specific issues that I find them dry and boring, and things I really don't care about because I'm not a science person. But I know a lot of people who love it.

      I don't have a lot of links right now but those programs are all good bets to tune into and see whats on.


      • #4
        Re: NPR... Let's share!

        total NPR nerd here... I even listen during pledge drives. I like Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, Fresh Air, Prairie Home Companion, Writer's Almanac, etc... Our local morning show, Detroit Today, is good, too.

        Since I'm a musician, I'll share a link to something called the Composers Datebook, which is a short daily feature that highlights interesting tidbits from classical music.


        • #5
          Re: NPR... Let's share!

          I love "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me"!
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #6
            Re: NPR... Let's share!

            I never seem to get a chunk of time to listen to an entire show and have to screen news if my kids are in the car. NPR played a part in my transition from working full-time to part-time and SAHM. Sometimes I would be bored or frustrated to tears. DD had a radio/CD player in her room and so I would trade off listening to kid's CDs and NPR while I got her dressed, played, etc. I was listening to Neal Conan (I think?) deliver news as 9/11 was happening, before it was understood that all of the plane events were connected and I think even before the last plane had crashed. Listening to him and 9/11 will be forever linked in my mind. Hearing it was enough and I didn't see the images of the planes hitting the buildings until a day or two later.

            I really like This American Life (which isn't NPR, right?) and Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me. Someday I'm going to have that voicemail recorded by Carl Kasell. I love the snippets of Splendid Table when I catch them. I don't listen to Weekend Edition much anymore but that was also a favorite, partly because Will Shortz does the puzzle segment.

            Sometimes I like Talk of the Nation and Science Friday. Bryn loves Car Talk.

            I don't like Whaddya Know.


            • #7
              Re: NPR... Let's share!

              Originally posted by cupcake
              I really like This American Life (which isn't NPR, right?) and Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me. Someday I'm going to have that voicemail recorded by Carl Kasell. I love the snippets of Splendid Table when I catch them. I don't listen to Weekend Edition much anymore but that was also a favorite, partly because Will Shortz does the puzzle segment.

              Sometimes I like Talk of the Nation and Science Friday. Bryn loves Car Talk.

              I don't like Whaddya Know.
              TAL is definitely NPR. I always seem to miss the broadcasts, but love the podcasts online.

              I miss Diane Rehm. The Cleveland affiliate carried her, but they don't here in KC. I HATE KC's local programing. There's this guy named Walt Bodine that is WAY past his prime. I especially enjoyed the broadcast they had on Paganism and Wiccan culture around KC, and I'd swear that Walt had NO IDEA what the topic was ahead of time. It was hillarious (and that one was a really interesting show ... pretty much the only one I've enjoyed of his.)


              • #8
                Re: NPR... Let's share!

                I think it is PRI -- public radio international. I don't know the distinction between that and NPR. There are some other shows that are PRI which I like and are aired on our public radio station. Maybe Marketplace is one of those? That is on during prime car-time and it is rated G for all ears in the car.

                I like the Writer's Almanac too. It is a nice little bite of information.


                • #9
                  Re: NPR... Let's share!

                  I just thought of another one. Sometimes Fresh Air has some really interesting conversations. Sometimes not depending on the guest but I have two that come mind. The first was an interview with an actress (I think?) who was rather arguementative right out of the gate and the conversation that followed was great. I'll see if I can find it. The other was with the Borat guy but he as himself (not Borat). He is so over the top in character and it I liked hearing some of his thoughts on his characters and motivations when he wasn't being a nut.

                  The Borat show:
         ... Id=9241785

                  or it might have been this one:
         ... Id=6723074

                  aha! It was an interview with Uta Hagan, part 1, starts around 7 minutes in:
         ... d=10295675


                  • #10
                    Re: NPR... Let's share!

                    NPR junkie here. I like to argue with the radio (or used to at work) and I truly miss Christopher Lydon. PHC/Writer's Almanac are both favorites, as are WWDTM and TAL. Many interviews have stuck in my mind from a variety of different shows. I don't like Scott Simon and have trouble with just the sound of his voice as a result of how he handled the space shuttle Columbia explosion...tacky interview questions. Plus I think he's a perv. I also don't like BBC's Judy Swallow. Pretty much everything else is good for me. But yes, I have to catch radio in snippets now too with the kids listening in the way they do....

                    If I can't sleep tonight I'll try to dig up some favorite shows.


                    • #11
                      Re: NPR... Let's share!

                      What is PHC?


                      • #12
                        Re: NPR... Let's share!

                        Prairie Home Companion - sorry, I got a bit over enthusiastic with the abbreviations.


                        • #13
                          Re: NPR... Let's share!

                          (I tried to post this earlier, but it didn't go through... I hope 2 versions don't show up.)

                          I listen to my radio in the kitchen while I'm cooking.

                          One of my favorites is This American Life because it really makes me laugh. I remember one episode about embarrasing situations: First there were three young Russian partying 20ish guys in NYC who got morooned on a teenie island off Manhattan after a reckless boat ride. The way they described it was hilarious! Also, there was a police man who mistakenly locked himself in the back of his squad car, thinking he'd take a nap back there... only to remember that there was no way out after it was too late.

                          Another one I love is Sound Opinions. It is a rock critic's show. I almost feel like I'm going out with friends to see a band - it helps me keep in touch with what's going on in rock - dh and I used to play music together and see a lot of live music before the kids. I like the holiday show with Andy Cirzan and the free holiday mix download of Christmas tunes he puts on the Sound Opions web site.

                          Both of these programs are produced by Chicago Public Radio, but broadcast nationally.


                          ps - tonight I was in the kitchen and heard the end of Prairie Home Companion (I grew up listening to this at home on the stereo).... a woman was singing "Let's Give them Something to Talk About" and I just couldn't help dancing all around the kitchen... until the dogs started barking and I realized people walking by on the sidewalk could see me clearly through the open windows!


                          • #14
                            Re: NPR... Let's share!

                            Nellie - you're right about TAL being from PRI. Do you have different stations that air PRI vs. NPR shows?? I think that's where I got confused.


                            • #15
                              Re: NPR... Let's share!

                              Nah, it's all OPB, there. She just didn't want to label it NPR if it wasn't, is my guess. I miss the OPB newscasters.
                              Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty

