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NPR... Let's share!

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  • #16
    Re: NPR... Let's share!

    Originally posted by poky
    Nah, it's all OPB, there. She just didn't want to label it NPR if it wasn't, is my guess. I miss the OPB newscasters.
    What she said -- I wasn't sure if this was exclusive to shows that are truly NPR.


    • #17
      Re: NPR... Let's share!

      I love pretty much all of the shows. Here in San Antonio we have a great show on Fridays at lunch time called Latino USA. It's really interesting to hear a different take on the news of the day. AND they always have a music segment and I love hearing about new artists that I ordinarily wouldn't hear about. We also have two college radio stations here- one is a jazz station and one is 'alternative' and both are great. I love that I never EVER have to listen to corporate radio.



      • #18
        Re: NPR... Let's share!

        I'm not a huge NPR fan, but I used to listen to it a lot more, before I got satellite radio, which has a billion news channels.

        My DH likes "Prairie Home Companion," which I take it is REALLY funny if you're from the boondocks of Minnesota, as his family is. It has its moments. But that ACCENT. And all that nasally midwestern quaintness. I can handle it only in small doses.

        He likes another show on NPR, too, but he got annoyed with me because I got confused about the name one time. He was searching through the radio one day, and I asked, "Hey, are you looking for 'Who the Hell Knows the Answer'?" He scowled and said, "That's 'What'Da'Ya Know?'" (or something equally less vulgar).

        Whatever. I would have titled the show, "Who Really Gives a Damn?"


        • #19
          Re: NPR... Let's share!

          so...I opted for an mp3 player with a FM option over an ipod so I could listen to NPR while I was working out. Super nerdy. I don't like BBC news...just don't, but everything else is great. I even don't mind listening to re-broadcasts. We have a pretty strong public radio here in WI and have two stations, so I had to figure out who had what show and when. Neither has Diane Rheme and I have missed her. I love Marketplace, Fresh Air, This American Life, Weekend Edition (Oh the days when I do well with Will Shortz...they are glorious), Talk of the Nation (although the call-ins irritate the heck out of me sometimes) The Story, Car Talk, On the Media, Weekend America and a new one I found on Wisconsin Public Radio...NPR distributed...A Way With Words (doesn't get any nerdier). I also like our local news show Lake Effect. I get so much great info about all kinds of stuff just by listening. I can't count how many times something has come up that I shouldn't know anything about, but I heard a story about it and can ask a few pointed questions, rather than gape like an idiot. It is the only thing I listen to.
          Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


          • #20
            Re: NPR... Let's share!



            There was a gorgeous Victorian mansion written up in our Real Estate section today. Rick was all into reading about it until he realized that it was in Milwaukee.



            • #21
              Re: NPR... Let's share!

              There are some beautiful homes here. Especially along the lake front...the old beer barons built gorgeous homes. We live next to a central neighborhood with some beautiful Victorians. I wonder where this one was. I can't wait for this heat to lift so I can take the babe for a walk while James is in school...just to admire the neighborhood.
              Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


              • #22
                Re: NPR... Let's share!

                Originally posted by oceanchild
                Another good podcast is Playback, which comes out monthly. They pull stories from 25 years ago out of the vault. The time it is covering right now is when my parents were working in Washington, so it feels like getting a taste of their lives. Also, it will grow up with me, since I just turned 25.
                I wonder if that is where I heard this awesome series from an old Yiddish radio or Jewish Radio kind of thing. It was covering the story of a woman who was suing her son in Yiddish Family Court b/c she didn't think he took good enough care of her. He maintained that she was welcome in his home as long as she was respectful of his wife & family, etc. The old woman actually said "Oy! You should know my troubles!" And I nearly peed myself.

