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Jane (Irish Jane, that is)

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  • Jane (Irish Jane, that is)

    Tara is gorgeous!

    How's everything else going? Do we need to fly the bus over to deal w/ FMIL?


  • #2
    Re: Jane (Irish Jane, that is)

    Jane - She beautiful! Thanks for sharing her photo!

    Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


    • #3
      Re: Jane (Irish Jane, that is)

      So sweet!
      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


      • #4
        Re: Jane (Irish Jane, that is)

        What a cutie!
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Re: Jane (Irish Jane, that is)

          Do you know what, I'm not in need of the bus! We spent the weekend down at FMIL, and it was actually ok. I was so worked up going down and DF and I had a fight on the way (because I was so tense) and we didn't speak for the 1.5 hour journey. FMIL was in good form, didn't try to offer advice and make comments, and best of all nobody has died in the village in last 2 weeks so I didn't have to listen to the ins and outs of funerals and how much they affect her. We all went for a long walk and I spent all of it walking beside her talking. She didn't comment on DS being jealous (he has never shown any jealousy), or try to fill him full of junk food and doted on both kids. She didn't make any nasty comments to me. So all in all it was a success, since we've come back DF has been walking on air and has been in the best form I've seen him in ages!!

          Tara is mental, she's teething like mad but she's fine once she's had some calpol (pedi tylenol). Matthew adores her whenyou ask him to come over and look or talk to her otherwise he pretty much doesn't notice she's around. He did come to our door way the other night, when Tara was having a cry, with a big 3 year old sleepy head on him and said 'moooo-ooom, I'm trying to sleep, tell her to stop crying'

          I'm going to post a video in my blog, because we think its so funny and shows that I think she's going to be the opposite to her big bro and decide that everything she can get her hands on will be for her mouth!


          • #6
            Re: Jane (Irish Jane, that is)

            She is too cute!! Thanks for sharing the video and pics!
            Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


            • #7
              Re: Jane (Irish Jane, that is)

              Tara is just darling! I'm glad FMIL has been behaving herself lately.

