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hanky panky in the call room

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  • hanky panky in the call room

    I visited SO at the hospital and we had dinner together, and afterwards he gave me a tour of the hospital. I saw his call room for the first time and as we were walking out of the room, a nurse eyed us up and down suspiciously.

    So my question is... does that happen in call rooms? Not that I would do anything like that in the hospital, but SO and I were both wondering. Anyone have any good stories? :>

    And my second question is, are spouses allowed to hang out with their SO's in the call room if there is nothing going on at the hospital? My SO is there today, and they have no patients, so he literally has nothing to do today. I have the day off, and it would be fun to just hang out with him, watch some tv, etc.

    I asked my SO and he didn't know if I'm allowed to hang out.

    Anyone know?

  • #2
    Re: hanky panky in the call room

    of course it happens. never personally done it - but I've heard lots of stories.

    i would say "not expressly prohibited, but probably frowned upon" as far as SO's hanging out. if you met him in the cafeteria or something, that's okay. but just hanging out in the call room (people would assume you were messing around) and / or in the doctor's lounge would not be cool.


    • #3
      Re: hanky panky in the call room

      It happens but at least at the hospitals we've been, the call rooms are germ-laden cess pools. and the neurologists didn't even get so much as a recliner chair, they had someone's old half sized sofa, in the middle of a room full of cubbies. and the bathroom was foul.

      At least here the peds call room was private(ish) and they actually got a bed w/ sheets.

      I took dinner a few times when my husband was on-call but he preferred to study if he didn't have anything going on. I certainly didn't need to be there to see that.



      • #4
        Re: hanky panky in the call room

        I've hung out in the call room with dh before. Not frowned upon here. As long as he is doing his work, then who cares?

        Oh, and I am sure sex totally happens in the call room. I have never done it, but I wouldn't be suprised by it at all.
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


        • #5
          Re: hanky panky in the call room

          At Grand Rounds one time in the previous programs, the residents were reminded not to have sex in the call room. That is all that the PD would say. Kind of makes me think:

          :fans: aparazzi: :mydoc: :angeldevil: :guilty: :tsk:

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Re: hanky panky in the call room

            I'm sure it happens here too. The call rooms aren't anything fancy but they do have clean sheets for each shift. There is only a bed, a desk/computer, TV and a chair. I've taken dinner up to DH a few times but have never stayed very long, he prefers to sleep so that if its a quiet night he gets out early the next morning.
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #7
              Re: hanky panky in the call room

              Hospitals are so icky that I'd never consider having sex in the call room regardless of how nice it is. Although DH really likes his current one, says the TV has more channels than we do at home. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that it happens a lot but I'd think mostly between people who work there. Most outsiders find hospitals gross.


              • #8
                Re: hanky panky in the call room

                As long as you're wearing a Hazmat suit, I suppose that's true. At least at Walter Reed AMC.



                • #9
                  Re: hanky panky in the call room

                  This would take *having* a call room to begin with, right? At the hospital where all of the OB stuff took place, DH had a room just off the nurses' station with two computers and two "couches" (they had plastic cushions) on which he could recline. He built a tower out of boxes for his legs/feet (they hung off the end, over the wooden armrest) so they had something to rest on. He shared that room with the three or four residents who were also on call. The room had no ventilation and smelled like dirty feet or worse all the time. There was another room there, on another floor, for upper-level residents, that had four bunk beds. It was left over from the days when the program was bigger and the PGY-4s would sleep when they were on night float because there were plenty of lower-level residents in-house. Those days were over by the time DH got there, and if he was on call, he wasn't going to be sleeping at all. (Or getting any. Talk about a mood killer! I spent part of Christmas Day up there two years in a row with two little kids so we could see DH.....there is NO WAY I would have even taken off my shoes in that room.) They remodeled L&D at that hospital just as DH finished residency, and I think the residents have a much nicer call room now.

                  I do have to say that at the Gyn hospital, DH had a very nice call room, and he did get to sleep sometimes, too. But nookie? Ummm, no. Would have been tricky with the kids in tow!
                  Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                  "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                  • #10
                    Re: hanky panky in the call room

                    I think I will add this to my list of things to do before DH finishes................ :anyolne:
                    Mom to three wild women.


                    • #11
                      Re: hanky panky in the call room

                      Nookie at a children's hospital just seems wrong on so many levels. DH is at a large pediatric hospital -- not just a few floors of a regular hospital. I threw up a little in my mouth at the thought of hanky panky there.
                      Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                      • #12
                        Re: hanky panky in the call room

                        :P I do love your sense of humor. Sick as it is ...


                        • #13
                          Re: hanky panky in the call room

                          I'm sure there's tons of sex going on at the hospital. The guys in DH's program are all attractive guys with nice personalities (for surgeons, anyway)--and a lot of the single ones date at work, I think--so I am sure it's a booty fest.

                          DH once invited me up for a 2:00 AM booty call, but he was clearly not thinking straight--we have a small child! What was I supposed to do with him? Uh, no, I can't just "run up" (we live a couple of blocks away) because DS is sound asleep and there's almost zero chance he'd wake up in the middle of the night. It's called felony child neglect. (I think DH was just really horny and really sleep deprived.) Thank you, but I am not breaking the law because you are blueballed...And he probably was really greasy and post-surgery gross, anyway.

                          I don't know if spouses can hang out in the call room, but I cannot imagine that it would be received well here, at least. Even when I go up just to drop off food, I am in, out and gone--hoping that I don't run into any attendings. Not many wives come up, period. Granted, most live much farther away, but I don't think it would be seen as professional (that's just this program and this specialty, though). Similarly, it would be really weird for DH to come to my Judge's chambers and just hang out while I work.

                          I don't like to be at the hospital on the floors, anyway. It smells unappealing and it is so sad outside the Neuro ICU.


                          • #14
                            Re: hanky panky in the call room

                            I have never "hit it" in a call room, but the whole family did stay the night once!

                            DH moonlights on L&D as staff, and the attending call room has an aero bed in addition to the regular twin bed. I guess so many of the OB staff are "new mommies" that they often have their hubbies bring the babies to stay in the call room when they take weekend call, so they can nurse or what not. DH was scheduled to take call this new years eve, so we just had a big slumber party. Dinner in the cafeteria, a little TV, and then bed. Obviously, it was a slooow night on the service.

                            The rooms were clean, but sparse. I would have never even considered hitting it in the call rooms where DH did residency. The cootie factor was much much too high.
                            Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.

