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Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

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  • #16
    Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

    Okay, okay...I admit it...I am a cookie-holic! Someone sent me some for my birthday last week and as much as I'd like to blame their dissapearance on DH, I know I am the lone culprit. No cookie is safe in my presence.Wow, this is my 2nd post in this thread...I apparently have some issues I needed to get off my chest. Admittance is the first step, eh?


    • #17
      Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

      I'm a huge control freak. DH learned early on and stays clear as much as possible. Which doesn't stop me from being pissed at him for not surprising me with anything for special occasions.

      Right now I'm flipping out on our travel agent because I don't have a detailed itinerary. I also hate when someone buys me something I haven't previously pre-approved. It drives me insane when my mom would call from a store and say, "I'm standing in line for the register, do you want the brown sweater or the black one?" I tell all my friends what to get me for my birthday and pick out my present from DH.


      • #18
        Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

        When I need something that is like a picture frame, sheets, just something that I want/need but don't want to pay much, - I obsessively look everywhere argueing to myself that $9 is MUCH differant than $12 - and I probably waist the savings on gas driving to and from the stores...

        But I'm on a little budget, so I think I'm helping myself, though I know countless times I've shot myself in the foot by waisting time. Oh, right now I have at least 3-4 things that have to go back to the store thanks to my obsessive thinking that something cheaper is around the corner - I double buy, double the pain... argh... :|


        • #19
          Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

          Salt and vinegar potato chips. I can eat bags and bags and barely need a diet coke. This of course is why we NEVER buy any.

          DH did once and the EXTRA large bag was gone in a half an hour. His response, "You can say no to any food but this one? I've found your weakness!!!!"

          I also will over resesarch things.
          I also have a weakness for peanut M&Ms but it's not NEARLY as bad as the chip thing.

          Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

          “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


          • #20
            Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

            I don't know if mine is a compulsion and its definitely not secret. I LOVE peanut M&M's, I could eat a one pound bag in a day if you let me.

            What else?

            I also over analyze and research everything. Every piece of furniture, car seat, stroller, etc. that we've bought or registered for this baby has been researched to DEATH!

            The internet is a bad compulsion too, I think sometimes I should get a desktop so I can't surf and watch TV b/c I do that a lot. Hopefully it will subside a little when the little one comes.
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #21
              Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

              Three letters


              • #22
                Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                I also have no control when it comes to scrapbooking stuff. I have about 10 scrapbooks that haven't even come out of their packaging. I have enough paper to start my own store. We can't eat in our dining room because it's been taken over with scrapbooking and cardmaking supplies.
                Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                • #23
                  Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                  boogers/boogies....I can't stand to have them in my nose(not that anyone else does). I actually do a "pinch test", and if I even feel the slightest build up, I have to grab a tissue; I prefer using a baby wipe. I also am compulsive about keeping the kids' noses boogie free...Q-tips help a lot! I have mastered the suction bulb w/ infants.

                  I have to keep my nails trimmed short, as well as the kids! I cringe at the thought of what builds up under finger nails! I will claw the soap bar, w/ what little nails I have, just to make sure they are clean ...the kids are starting to do the same I can't stand to see long or painted nails...I
                  just want to grab clippers and hack them off!

                  As far as food goes, dark choclate covered pretzels from Tjs don't stand a chance of lasting more than 5 days in our house!


                  • #24
                    Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                    Flynn??!! Really!!??

                    Salt and Vinegar chips are my weakness too and as a result we don't buy any either. I could do the same thing. I eat until my mouth is sore (but have never stopped before polishing off every last chip). Since it falls into the luxury catagory for us I don't even think about getting any, but heaven help me once training is over. Now I'll have to rethink any other secret food obsessions. Btw, otherwise, I don't even like chips very much.


                    • #25
                      Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                      Hmmm.... I agree with the salt and vinegar chip postings, but I go a step further in that I use entirely too much salt (on everything) altogether. What can I say, I'm irish, and that was the only flavor in our food....haha. DH gets annoyed when I salt things before I taste them, so I TRY to taste them first (even though in my head, I've already decided I'm going to use salt). I rationalize it by saying that my blood pressure is on the low side, so I probably NEED it....

                      Another quirk I have is that I am a fanatical clothes folder. Not only do I have to fold everything (underwear, dish cloths, baby bibs), but everything has to have straight lines, or I will refold (or redry, or iron, etc.). DH is a terrible folder (in my opinion), so that's how he gets out of helping with laundry (clever little man, isn't he?)...

                      I'm also a chocaholic....mmmm dark chocolate is the best!
                      Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


                      • #26
                        Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                        Originally posted by Ladybug122
                        I use entirely too much salt (on everything) altogether. What can I say, I'm irish, and that was the only flavor in our food....haha. DH gets annoyed when I salt things before I taste them, so I TRY to taste them first (even though in my head, I've already decided I'm going to use salt).
                        That is totally me!!! I can't stop using salt. I get bothered when we go to fancy restaurants and salt isn't on the table...I usually ask for it even before the food comes out

                        I am also a bit of a control and neat freak. I hate for people to touch stuff on my desk at work I literally start boiling inside when I see people touch my stuff without asking...after they use it, I take out the handi wipes and clean all their germs off...
                        Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


                        • #27
                          Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                          How could I forget my true compulsion - my closet must at all times be in the correct color arrangement (white clothes, then yellow clothes, then orange clothes, etc.) Dh once put away my laundry and I literally cried when I saw that he had mixed colors (shudder); granted, I was PMSing but still.


                          • #28
                            Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                            I'm like that in my kitchen. My knives have to be in order (large to small, w/ serrated first) and my spices are in alphabetical order.




                            • #29
                              Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                              Originally posted by Color_Me_Sulky
                              When I need something that is like a picture frame, sheets, just something that I want/need but don't want to pay much, - I obsessively look everywhere argueing to myself that $9 is MUCH differant than $12 - and I probably waist the savings on gas driving to and from the stores...

                              But I'm on a little budget, so I think I'm helping myself, though I know countless times I've shot myself in the foot by waisting time. Oh, right now I have at least 3-4 things that have to go back to the store thanks to my obsessive thinking that something cheaper is around the corner - I double buy, double the pain... argh... :|

                              I am also a big time overeater. I hate it, but I have the hardest time losing weight since I just cannot let go of the foods I love the most. Cookies, especially Thin Mints from the Girl Scouts. igout:

                              I tend to be a control freak about money too. I will balance my checkbook to the penny. If it's off (even by a few cents), I will obsessively go back and find the mistake. I've been known to stay up well into the wee hours doing this. I wonder if I'll still do this when we're not so tight on money... :huh:
                              Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                              • #30
                                Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                                I touch my lips, mostly when I'm thinking about something or watching a movie. The perfect condition is when they are slightly dry, but not chapped, and I can gently depress an area and have it spring back plump a few seconds later. I've done this as long as I can remember, and I probably wouldn't even be aware of it except that DH points it out. I can't believe I'm admitting this.

