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Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

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  • #31
    Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

    Originally posted by MD/PhD Wife
    I tend to be a control freak about money too. I will balance my checkbook to the penny. If it's off (even by a few cents), I will obsessively go back and find the mistake. I've been known to stay up well into the wee hours doing this. I wonder if I'll still do this when we're not so tight on money... :huh:
    Probably, if you're anything like me. Money hasn't been tight for about 10 years, but I still use Quicken and categorize everything and everything has to balance to the penny, or I go back and find the discrepancy. It's only numbers, and only addition and subtraction, it *will* work out if I spend enough time finding the problem.

    I have learned to not have to balance everything up quite as *often*, though it's definitely easier if I add bills as they come in and reconcile accounts when the statements come in. When I let things pile up for more than a week or two, it gets ugly, and always takes me hours to get everything settled to my satisfaction.
    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


    • #32
      Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

      Originally posted by planet
      Flynn??!! Really!!??

      Salt and Vinegar chips are my weakness too and as a result we don't buy any either. I could do the same thing. I eat until my mouth is sore (but have never stopped before polishing off every last chip). Since it falls into the luxury catagory for us I don't even think about getting any, but heaven help me once training is over. Now I'll have to rethink any other secret food obsessions. Btw, otherwise, I don't even like chips very much.
      Yes. It's true. I also eat until my mouth hurts.
      I'm completely addicted AND NEVER BUY any.

      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


      • #33
        Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

        Peanut M&Ms and Coca Cola.

        I used to have bags of peanut M&Ms in my car, my desk, my kitchen, and my bedroom. And I don't mean the little ones. I'm talking costco sized. I had to stop buying them altogether. I am working on the Coke but it's just. so. hard.

        My kitchen (not where I live now and it drives me NUTS) is ALWAYS organized and my bathroom is ALWAYS perfect. My entire house might be a mess but I always have a clean bathroom. Now that I live with a dirty roommate, it's all to hell and it drives me mad every single time I walk in that bathroom. Grrr.

        Oh, and I'm picky about how things go into the dishwasher. Again, the roommate screws that up too.

        My closet is color coded and then organized by sleeve length. My shoes are all neatly arranged in plastic see through boxes.

        I HATE crooked pictures on a wall and I loathe the crumbs that my roommate leaves on the coffee table.

        I hate getting "junk" or "stuff" as gifts. If I can't use it for something, don't give it to me. Knick-knacks are not my thing.

        I spend extra time putting stamps on letters because I like it to be perfectly straight. Even on bill payments. I know... I'm weird.

        I compulsively buy beauty products. I have tons of shampoos and conditioners, face masks, powders, lip glosses, body washes, etc etc. I have boxes full.

        I'm going to stop there although I'm sure if you asked SO he could list about a hundred other things. He thinks I'm crazy and usually tries to just stay out of my way.


        • #34
          Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

          Holy crap. My post was long.

          Quick, someone else post something much longer!!


          • #35
            Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

            I play with my hair when I'm bored or nervous. I had to have an updo at the wedding because I was afraid I'd start twisting it around my finger in the middle of the ceremony. I also always do a low ponytail for interviews for same reason.

            I've stopped biting my nails in junior high but can't stop picking at my cuticles. I hate bad manicures because they only give me more to pick at.

            If I'm really worked up and can't sleep, I have to make myself think about shopping. Once I picture myself in a store or thinking about clothing/shoes/etc. I relax. Things like beaches, butterflies, ocean, waterfalls, etc. do nothing for me.


            • #36
              Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

              If I'm really worked up and can't sleep, I have to make myself think about shopping. Once I picture myself in a store or thinking about clothing/shoes/etc. I relax. Things like beaches, butterflies, ocean, waterfalls, etc. do nothing for me.
              You are totally making this up!

              Too funny.

              I have no obvious compulsions. I feel so left out. I'll have to think about it. Maybe I should get some.
              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


              • #37
                Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                Cracking me up!


                • #38
                  Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                  gummi bears and diet pepsi. I tend to chew on my hair.


                  • #39
                    Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                    Originally posted by Sheherezade
                    If I'm really worked up and can't sleep, I have to make myself think about shopping. Once I picture myself in a store or thinking about clothing/shoes/etc. I relax. Things like beaches, butterflies, ocean, waterfalls, etc. do nothing for me.
                    You are totally making this up!

                    Too funny.
                    Nope, had to do it last night to fall asleep. Like Lily, I'm not a nature person. I get bored within minutes and then get antsy, so in the end thinking about nature has an opposite effect of relaxing. I'd picture myself on a beach and then wouldn't know what to do next. Here's my thought process, "Ok, beach, soft yellow sand, blue ocean...this is nice. Crap, if only I went to Bloomies last week when they had the sale, I'd be able to buy a new bathing suit and wouldn't have to hide this old one behind a sarong. That reminds me, I really need a new pair of white sandals..."


                    • #40
                      Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                      I have read this thread with great interest over the past few days contemplating my answer. In short, what am I NOT compulsive about? :huh: The ironic thing is I'm always giving advice from this position of "yeah, this too shall pass" when I'm overanalyzing the crap out of everything. I have been workign towards "letting go" my entire life, but it is hard to change my compulsive ways.

                      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                      • #41
                        Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                        Oh! Oh!! I got one!!!

                        I am totally compulsive about flame wars - here or anywhere else on the net. I spot one flickering and go get a snack and a drink. I get all psyched about the coming debate. It's truly unflattering. But, there you have it. I'm outed.
                        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                        • #42
                          Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                          Just hang with me, Angie. You know I'll get one started sooner or later.

                          As I've read these posts all week I've thought "no way in HELL am I posting MY secret obsessions!" You all know too much about me already.


                          • #43
                            Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                            I have to keep my nails trimmed short, as well as the kids! I cringe at the thought of what builds up under finger nails! I will claw the soap bar, w/ what little nails I have, just to make sure they are clean ...the kids are starting to do the same I can't stand to see long or painted nails...I
                            just want to grab clippers and hack them off! [quote]

                            Ooh, I never saw this post. And to think I was worried about being judged on my bitten to the core nails when I met Suzanne yesterday!
                            I am compulsive about not having any white part of the nails at all. It is because of having eczema for most of my life, I think I will scratch myself more if my nails are scratchy!


                            • #44
                              Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?

                              Buffalo wings. I love them. I could eat them daily. We have a very specific way we insist on ordering them at the only approved by us wing restaurant in town. All other restaurants were rejected for the wings being too small, not crispy enough, too hot, not hot enough, etc.
                              Mom to three wild women.


                              • #45
                                Re: Your Secret Compulsion - what is it?


                                I can't live without this website! I have spent hours and hours browsing the various storefronts in search of unique handmade jewelry, housewares, baby items & kid clothing. Prices are reasonable and shipping is cheap.

