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Shopping on N. Michigan...

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  • Shopping on N. Michigan...

    It is a HUGE mistake to take dh shopping with me...
    He had a conference on N. Michigan this morning and we met up for lunch before he headed back to the afternoon lectures.

    After lunch, we went to Crate and Barrel, where I picked up some pasta bowls. It was super crowded, with people knocking into things, glass shattering, people stepping on people's toes. Ugh.

    Dh stopped in his tracks and announced: I can't take this!!! It's too crowded.

    And I yelled back at him: You'd better get over here and STAY WHERE I CAN SEE YOU!

    A couple with their young son thought that was hilarious.

    I can't believe holiday shopping has already started full force here.

    Please tell me it hasn't started this early all around the country.
    married to an anesthesia attending

  • #2
    Re: Shopping on N. Michigan...

    That Crate & Barrel is a nightmare on a Tuesday in July. Holiday season is "all bets are off". I would avoid it like the plague. That's why God made internet shopping.


    • #3
      Re: Shopping on N. Michigan...

      I've found the best time to go into that Crate & Barrel is a weeknight, the Christmas shopping has definitely not started here.
      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


      • #4
        Re: Shopping on N. Michigan...

        Not to high-jack here but my favorite thing to do is go to Crate and Barrel with DH. We walk around and I try out all the furniture and say very loudly to him "So, when you leave your wife, will you buy stuff like this for our house?" You should see some of the looks we get. It's better when its crowded. DH gets so red and acts so embarrassed.


        • #5
          Re: Shopping on N. Michigan...

          My dh thinks Ethel's is too pink. He won't go there with me. My brother will, and we go there after we eat lunch at Nordstrom (another thing dh doesn't like to do). I love my brother.

          They have a new Trader Joe's just west of Lawry's on State and Ontario, for those of you who plan on visiting Chicago.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            Re: Shopping on N. Michigan...

            Originally posted by *Lily*
            Podhalanka on W Division St has AWESOME Polish food. That would be on my "must-eat" list for Chicago visitors.
            I've never been there. Thanks for the tip.

            I went with a Hungarian guy from school to Paprikash, a Hungarian restaurant. All the way out in the burbs. It was really good.
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Re: Shopping on N. Michigan...

              I'll definitely try it!

              It was a lovely day today, so I think that's one of the reasons why there were so many people out.

              We're not in Cedarburg, Wisconsin anymore...
              What a shock to my system!
              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #8
                Re: Shopping on N. Michigan...

                Originally posted by Ladybug
                N. Michigan Ave. shopping is a bloodsport this time of year. That said, I do miss shopping like that.
                There's something about the torture that's actually sort of fun - I agree.

                Just trying to get on a bus is terrible too.
                Why do people sit with an open window seat next to them, and when you try to maneuver yourself to the window, they don't stand up, but just swing their legs to the side? I ride the bus everyday, and by now, if I whack them in the face with my big butt, so be it. It's just much harder when you're carrying bags.
                married to an anesthesia attending

