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Time for yourself

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  • Time for yourself

    How/when do you find time for yourself?

    We have rest time in the afternoon eventhough two of my kids don't really nap. It doesn't always work. My other time frame is after the kids are in bed which is usually when I collapse. I need some tips for finding time to get stuff done.

  • #2
    Re: Time for yourself

    Hire a sitter? I'm usually too tired at night to reliably get things done.


    • #3
      Re: Time for yourself

      No answer here either.


      • #4
        Re: Time for yourself

        I currently rely on naptimes, by the end of the day (after DS goes to bed) I'm usually too tired to do much more than sit in front of the computer or on the couch.

        I'm scared of what's going to happen when DS stops napping.

        -Wife of urology attending.
        -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


        • #5
          Re: Time for yourself

          I just hired someone to come in one morning a week.....She's $15/hr, but she also will pick up a little bit too. I told Nellie she better do windows for that rate. She will only be watching little Miss Princess Zoe. (That poor woman will earn EVERY penny :> )

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            Re: Time for yourself

            I think that's part of the reason I didn't terribly mind DH having long hours his first two years of school. We didn't have all the kids in school yet so my quiet time was after the kids went to bed and before DH came home.


            • #7
              Re: Time for yourself

              Originally posted by PrincessFiona
              I just hired someone to come in one morning a week.....
              Good for you! You deserve this...and Zoe will love it.

              I get no time to myself either. If there's something that I really need time for I set the kids up with something clean or some other project, or I send them outside to play basketball.


              • #8
                Re: Time for yourself

                That is awesome, Kris! I should clarify with "me time", I should have said time to get stuff done. My kids are very active and if they don't have something to focus on, they end up pigging out on snacks or running in circles screaming and waking up the baby.


                • #9
                  Re: Time for yourself

                  Sometimes I drop the 3 kiddos off at my mom's and go to Target by myself.
                  Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                  • #10
                    Re: Time for yourself

                    I moved thirteen hours closer to all the grandparents, aunts, and uncles. Although many of them are an hour to an hour and a half away, so this "time" generally happens about once a month.

                    Because my husband works 24/7/365, I put my daughter in preschool three mornings a week. Not for her, for me. In fact although she goes to "preschool" it is play based, so I still work with her on the basic preschool concepts. It costs about $3 an hour and is a lot cheaper than prozac, a divorce, or my kids' future therapy.

                    I have to have a little break from mommying or I am just a terrible bitch to everyone. I have to be able to run occasionally or get my hair done with out having to mediate such inane debates like "He's looking out my window!".

                    I really do live for my kids and adore them. I swear I do. I just need to find my center more than other people. I think it would be different if I could rely on my spouse to contribute more.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      Re: Time for yourself

                      Originally posted by house elf
                      I really do live for my kids and adore them. I swear I do. I just need to find my center more than other people.
                      Don't go on me. I need that too.

                      I have hit a rough patch over the last few months. I just hired a sitter for Wednesday afternoons. Please let this work out. Luckily we can do this right now.


                      • #12
                        Re: Time for yourself

                        Me time???? :huh: :huh: :huh:

                        Maybe when Luke is in preschool- that may be it. But there's not a lot of time there, actually, from drop off to pick up. Definitely not time to do a major project- like clean a bathroom, or make curtains...

                        Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                        • #13
                          Re: Time for yourself

                          Time for yourself
                          I am unfamiliar with it English?

                          Just kidding, I don't have anything useful to add...just browsing through for ideas.
                          I feel your pain.


                          • #14
                            Re: Time for yourself

                            As we don't have kids. my personal time is after I get home from work before dh gets home. I have the place to myself and can relax and start dinner.
                            Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


                            • #15
                              Re: Time for yourself

                              Preschool used to be my answer to this. And I use that term loosely....DS #1 started preschool when he was 2, DS #2 started when he was 15 months, and DS #3 started when he was 11 months. You betcha it was for mom! But it wasn't bad for them, either. There is no way I would have survived residency and the years in Wichita Falls without some time to breathe. I used it in the summer, too.

                              Now, all of my kids are in school, I work part time, DH is an attending, and I barely have time to process what the day holds, never mind the week. :huh: So no answers here.
                              (Obviously, not much encouragement, either. Sorry! )

                              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                              "I don't know when Dad will be home."

