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Withdrawing from caffeine?

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  • Withdrawing from caffeine?

    I hadn't realized how much caffeine I was drinking until my dad and Rose came to visit....I've been consuming an entire pot of coffee on my own in the morning and again around 4pm 8O 8O 8O as well as several caffeinated diet cokes throughout the day 8O 8O 8O

    Hmmmmmmmm Maybe THAT is why I've been feeling so irritable and have been having trouble sleeping?

    So....I went cold-turkey yesterday....and this morning I got up with such a bad headache I thought it was a migraine! I could barely move around to get the kids off to school.....After drinking a cup...ok...I can't go cold turkey...I felt alot better....

    I can't believe how insidiously all of this caffeine drinking snuck up on me...and how hard it is to wean yourself off!!!!!

    Are there any other caffeine drinkers out there?


  • #2
    Gimme my cuppa Joe

    Oh yes- I have to have a cup of coffee. I used to drink a ton more but I started drinking my yogi tea in the mornings. SO now it's two cups at work and that's it- except for a Diet Mountain Dew in the afternoon if I'm dragging.



    • #3

      What is yogi tea?



      • #4
        I've heard that drinking a TON of water can help the caffeine withdrawal side effects! My husband is trying to ween himself from diet coke!


        • #5
          I'm kind of a caffeine junky too. I drink two cups of coffee in the morning, and try to go the rest of the day without, however, I'm sitting here drinking a coke, so I'm not very strict about it. I even did this all through nursing our youngest--poor kid she is probably addicted to caffeine already!
          Awake is the new sleep!

