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How do you feel about the new forum?

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  • How do you feel about the new forum?

    I'm having some second doubts about the forum, as there have been some problems with people loggin in.

    Here are some of the solutions that I've been toying with....

    1. stay here
    2. move to invision board and convert all posts
    3. move to invision board and start all over
    4. I suppose we could always move back to ezboard too.

    invision board is at

    Any thoughts? Or am I just obsessing?


  • #2
    You're obsessing!!!


    • #3
      Who ME?

      Obsess? ME? You are kidding, right?

      OK...I'm the queen of obsessing..I guess I just sort of got attached to ezboard and I feel...queezy...I'm struggling with a cyber transition...God help me!



      • #4
        Give it a while, Kris. There were problems logging in at the old forum, too, for a while -- that is why I have three user names, as I found out by looking at the memberlist here! I haven't had any problems yet and I like it better on this forum so far. The Emoticons are easier to use, for one thing. See?

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          I just got in. It has taken me awhile and I had to change my user name slightly. I like the emoticons too. I say wait it out and see what happens.



          • #6
            Although I personally have never obsessed needlessly about something , I think that you have done a fabuolous job and everyone will figure out the new format soon (me included). Change is inevitable--we might as well embrace it.

            Now chant with me, "change is good, change is good, change is good". Aren't you happy to have such a self-actualized co-leader?

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              So far, I like the new boards. I haven't had any trouble logging in, the emoticons are cute, and the board itself is nice to look at. Actually, this board is very familiar to me because it is exactly like the board my software company uses. I say keep with this one for awhile and see if the bugs work themselves out. Good job by the way with getting the new board together--I don't know how you did it on top of your new position at the university!
              Awake is the new sleep!


              • #8

                I intentionally took about 24 hours off to get my head together...I was really stressed out because I was afraid that it wasn't going to work for some people or that maybe I'd made the wrong decision...but at the end of the day, it isn't where we's just that we all have a chance to get together and chat.....I do hope that this works for everyone, but if it doesn't, there are always alternatives. In the meantime, I say that we just settle in and figure things out here.

                BTW, Sue....the conversion of the forums wasn't nearly as terrorizing as it could have been. I used a really great script that phpbb came up with and was able to convert each forum and nearly 10,000 of our posts in less than an HOUR! 8O wasn't that bad But thanks for the kudos anyway!


