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Holy Snow

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  • #16
    Re: Holy Snow

    and so, for those of you not actually from DC- please know what we natives know-

    NEVER leave your house when it snows. It's not the actual snow that is the problem. It's the Northerners who think they know how to drive on ice (no, really, the SUV will slide...), and the Southerners who are freaking out about every flake all combined in the "the world needs me to go to work" environment.

    Hell, no- I either took Metro or didn't bother going in.



    • #17
      Re: Holy Snow

      Hi Peggy,

      We're close by. How much snow you got up the road at your place? Drove home from work (just a couple of miles in city) and starting to stick a little to roads, but no biggie. However, it keeps coming down and DW is at Hospital. I want to go take pics of my first snow in Balmer. What a goober I am! Looked outside again and seems 2-3 inches in city.


      • #18
        Re: Holy Snow

        Originally posted by DCJenn
        and so, for those of you not actually from DC- please know what we natives know-

        NEVER leave your house when it snows. It's not the actual snow that is the problem. It's the Northerners who think they know how to drive on ice (no, really, the SUV will slide...), and the Southerners who are freaking out about every flake all combined in the "the world needs me to go to work" environment.

        Hell, no- I either took Metro or didn't bother going in.


        I love that you just wrote this. I was nodding my head insanely while reading it. You can't drive on the ice, damnit. I don't care if it snows 7 feet in Rochester - this half inch of ice will kill you if you don't watch it. That combined with the Southerner's freaking out... it's just too much to deal with.

        Anyway, it snowed for all of a couple hours (if that?) in the late morning but NOTHING stuck and it was really really wet snow. None the less, it was still the first snow of the year.

        Normally, I can't stand the winter, but it's getting so close to Christmas and it hadn't snowed yet so I wasn't feeling too into the holidays yet. I just realized today why that was. It's still 60 degrees most days.


        • #19
          Re: Holy Snow

          Holy snow indeed!! We have been dumoed upon with over a foot of snow already (though I haven't measured to see how much over). I have shoveled the walk twice so that I can still get the door open and a new layer is already in place.

          It is beautiful.

