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general delivery

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  • general delivery

    Does general delivery address = homeless?

    I guess there must be different levels or ways to be homeless.


    I'll edit with more info: I'm concerned about my ex-step dad. He's a really neat guy (smart, fun, sociable, knowledgeable about politics, current events, history, music) but has issues with authority - and has never really been able to hold down jobs. He had a horrendously hurtful childhood - guess it came from there. Because he's my ex-step dad, it's a little touchy - and I've kept in touch but it's been intermittent. He evades questions about where he lives or what he does during the day (except that he spends a lot of time - everyday - at the public library.). I know he doesn't have many personal possessions (doesn't seem to care about that anyway). He lives in a different state from me. Anyway, I want to send him something to help him out at Christmastime... and he said that his address is "general delivery"... and he checks it 3 times a week and always gets everything just fine.

    I think I'll send him a Target gift card - or maybe a visa gift card would be more versatile? I wish I could do more.

  • #2
    Re: general delivery

    The visa gift cards are kindof obnoxious; unless you know he'll use it right off, I wouldn't get one of them. They tend to have time limits, after which they expire, or they start taking "fees" out every month.

    A Target gift card sounds reasonably flexible, as long as you know there's one near him...
    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


    • #3
      Re: general delivery

      He takes the bus all around town... and there are a couple of targets not too far from where he is. I don't know if they are the targets that have groceries... that's what I would like.


      • #4
        Re: general delivery

        I guess Target usually has some selection of dry foods? Our closest Target isn't a Super Target but they still have a refrigerator and freezer case. On the smaller side, but there is milk, etc. He could also get toiletry type items. I think it is a good idea.

        I think general delivery could mean homeless. I've known of people using it when they are travelling and not with a homebase (know they will be in a certain location at a certain time). I've also heard that the libraries here, and I would assume other places, are used by homeless people during the day.


        • #5
          Re: general delivery

          What about a WalMart gift card? More of them have groceries and if he IS homeless then he'll probably feel better about going in there than Target. :huh:

          Sorry, this sounds tough.


          • #6
            Re: general delivery

            I don't get it. Why would a homeless person feel better about Wal-Mart? :huh:


            • #7
              Re: general delivery

              He said something about not being able to get a p.o. box because of the patriot act? I think he probably has no i.d. or any papers other than his library card.

              He's pretty put together looking and acting. We saw him with our kids twice this summer. The kids loved him.

              I want him to be safe and have some happiness in his daily life. I wish I knew more, but I guess that is something sensitive and private to him.

