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Anyone been to Alaska?

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  • Anyone been to Alaska?

    DH was offered a position in Anchorage, Alaska as a temp physician for two months (March-April 2008). He's seriously considering it, and DH is so excited because we will be able to witness the Northern Lights and experience the Alaskan outdoors. My only concern is that I will go stir crazy being by myself M-F 7am-5pm, without a car and stuck at home.

    Anyone lived or visited Alaska during the months of March and April? Specifically Anchorage? Just needing some feedback as to what we can expect in terms of weather, people, things to do in Anchorage, etc.


  • #2
    Re: Anyone been to Alaska?

    I was there in May of 2006. My friend lived there for 3 years and loved it -- but she's very outdoorsy. It's very pretty, at that time of year there is lots of light. If you are into nature then you'll have lots to do. If you're into big cities -- not a good fit.

    The people were nice, everything is overpriced. I wouldn't want to live there, but I'm too much of a city girl.


    • #3
      Re: Anyone been to Alaska?

      Lived in Anchorage from 1981 to 1993 and in Eagle River (just a bit north) from 1996 to 1997.

      In all that time I never saw the Northern lights. Sorry! I think they are easier to see starting Fairbanks and parts north. But, maybe it was also just a magnetically calm period plus I was young and headed to bed early back then.

      Anchorage is very spread out and the bus system is sub-par. It's not a great city to be car-free. But, it's not a great city for driving a car either, LOL. Make sure your winter driving skills are up to par, as you'll find they use gravel a lot more often than salt -- slushy roads rutted with ice and snow are par for the course.

      People are overall friendly enough, and very down-to-earth. This is mostly a guess but I'd say March weather is probably still wintry (lots of snow and sub-freezing temps) while April might be heading toward breakup and gray slush. But for at least part of that time there should be snow for your favorite winter sports: downhill or cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and the like. That's probably your best bet for "things to do".

      Erm. Let me know if I can be of any more help or if there's anything I can pass along to my mom (living in Eagle River for the last decade!)


      • #4
        Re: Anyone been to Alaska?

        Visited on a summer cruise - it was BEAUTIFUL!!! DH would move there in a heartbeat , if I agreed. While it's beautiful - it's soooo small. But we didn't stay in Anchorage, so that would have a much different flair: we stopped at Juno, Sitka (sp?) and... I can't think of the other port. My aunt and uncle lived in Fairbanks for 3 years (maybe 4... ) on an airforce base, they moved back to down to the states last year. My uncle was from Alaska, so it wasn't bad for him. For the kids, it was a huge adjustment. My cousin and his wife moved also with the military to Anchorage for 3 years, and they just moved back last year as well. It took a year or so for them to adjust to the area and the night/day issues, but they grew to love it so much they almost stayed indefinately. Sounds like Spottydog is your go-to here. My fav experiance there, was taking a helicopter to the mountaintops where there was an old thick glacier where they had Mushers and their sled dogs. I got to go dogsledding - and LOVED IT!!!! I would go for a period for two months w/out a thought (if it worked out well). It would be an amazing experiance. I told DH I would go in the summer as they need more physicians then (or so we were told) to cover the fishing accidents... The mountains are so untouched, so huge and majestic, it's hard not to fall in love if you are a mountain person. I say ... go for it!


        • #5
          Re: Anyone been to Alaska?

          Yeah - I also wanted to mention that the Northern Lights are not at all a guarantee. My friend that lived there did see them once - but very close to the end of her stay there. Her brother saw them his first night up in Fairbanks.


          • #6
            Re: Anyone been to Alaska?

            This could be the time for you to take a couple of online classes.
            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #7
              Re: Anyone been to Alaska?

              Contact the Alaska Medical Alliance...they are sure to offer some support

              4107 Laurel Street
              Anchorage, Alaska
              Phone: (907) 562-0304


              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8
                Re: Anyone been to Alaska?

                I work for a company based there in Anchorage, and I started at the beginning of March this year; spent most of that month there, learning the job, etc.

                This year, it was single-digit temps in early March, but only snowed once in the 3 weeks I was there, and it was so cold it was REALLY dry, and they're very good about plowing really quickly.

                If you can afford it, I'd think about renting a car. You are pretty likely to go stir-crazy without a car for 2 months at the end of winter, there.

                As others have said, you're actually not real likely to see the northern lights from Anchorage, unfortunately.

                If you knit, or are interested in learning, I can point you at the 3 yarn shops in town (I visited them all on my last visit there) One even has a very friendly "sit around and knit and chat" night every Friday evening.

                If you get clear sunny days before things start thawing, the drive down to Alyeska is *gorgeous*; amazing frozen waterfalls along the cliff faces, beautiful mountains everywhere. Breathtaking (and I grew up in the PNW; this is a whole 'nother level of gorgeous).

                Oh! And if you're there the first weekend in March, they start the Iditerod in downtown Anchorage then; very fun, definitely worth seeing.

                ETA: My avatar picture was taken at the top of Alyeska in mid-March.
                Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                • #9
                  Re: Anyone been to Alaska?

                  Originally posted by poky
                  ETA: My avatar picture was taken at the top of Alyeska in mid-March.
                  Hey Poky! I think I have a picture taken there, too!

                  I think yours was actually taken from this vantage point


                  • #10
                    Re: Anyone been to Alaska?

                    Yup, that would be *exactly* the spot, in fact.

                    A very nice ski patrol guy came out of their little office that's right there when he saw me taking pictures of the scenery, and offered to take my picture. Very nice of him; he actually took 3 or 4, a couple were facing the other way, but this was the best one.
                    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                    • #11
                      Re: Anyone been to Alaska?

                      our photographer was Jacob. he was non-compliant by the time we were taking the pics in the spot you were in (may have had something to do w/the fact he had no socks on ...), which is why there is only the pic of Jen there w/her daughter.


