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"Re-born" dolls?

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  • "Re-born" dolls?

    Anyone heard of "re-born" dolls? I just ran across this online, I never knew something like this existed. Personally, I'm really disturbed at how life-like these dolls look and that they can mimic breathing and sleeping movements REALLY freaks me out.

    Do you know anyone who collects these dolls? What's the draw? I'm just trying to understand so I can have some compassion. I'm not sure what to think about the adult women who substitute these dolls for children and treat these dolls like real human babies... Is this healthy behavior?

  • #2
    Re: "Re-born" dolls?

    My therapist side has her hairs on the back of her neck standing up. My laissez-faire neighbor side says, 'eh, it's not killing anyone'.



    • #3
      Re: "Re-born" dolls?

      What's creepier, the doll or the lady approaching strangers in the store asking them to buy her baby?


      • #4
        Re: "Re-born" dolls?

        I am trying to figure out, what does this say about women ? But I agree with Jen it's not hurting anyone. Although I think I would be a little disturbed about the transition from a re-born to a real baby.


        • #5
          Re: "Re-born" dolls?

          I think these would be great in a sex ed class in high schools. I bet a lot less girls would actually want a baby if they had to take care of one of these for a week or two. But for grown women, this seems to be an indication of deeper problems.


          • #6
            Re: "Re-born" dolls?

            I've been told these dolls and the baby porcelain dolls make to look like a baby picture you send in, are often bought by women who have had miscarriages, and use it as personal self help/therapy. It's pretty sad. I've seen some heartbreaking if not earie websites. But when someone is grieving, sometimes what is "rational" just doesn't matter. Some women say these life like dolls help them transition. While I think they are creapy, I feel like I'm not one to place judgement.

            I'm sure may are collected though by the same people who are adults with rooms overflowing with stuff animals. And to me that is disturbing.


            • #7
              Re: "Re-born" dolls?

              Originally posted by Vishenka69
              I think these would be great in a sex ed class in high schools. I bet a lot less girls would actually want a baby if they had to take care of one of these for a week or two. But for grown women, this seems to be an indication of deeper problems.

              I don't know about that..... Did you see the video of the British couple who had a doll like this because it was all the "fun" of a baby without the work and hard parts? These babies don't wake you up four times a night, explode with poop so they stain everything around, spit up nasty sour-milk and/or curds, etc.

              My vote is that it is creepy and caters to the selfish (ie said British couple who want a child but not the "hard" parts of having a baby).

              I think this sort of thing is going to get even MORE in-depth, though. What with animatronics becoming so sophisticated I don't think it's long before we have baby dolls that DO respond to their "Moms". Kind of like Bladerunner....
              Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
              With fingernails that shine like justice
              And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


              • #8
                Re: "Re-born" dolls?

                I saw this video too (a day or two ago, someone sent it to me)!


                AND creepy.
                It made me think of two things:
                1. That movie about the android that could love that had the "I see dead people..." kid in it.
                2. That SNL or Mad TV sketch about the lady that collected Precious Moments and talked about being "baaeerren" all the time.

                Did I mention weird?


                • #9
                  Re: "Re-born" dolls?

                  Could be worse...

                  when I first read the original post, I thought it was a doll that was re-born as in born-again (as in a fundamentalist Christian doll). I was picturing a little doll that coos: "Mommy, don't baptize me as an infant! I must be the age of reason to make a believer's baptism."

                  OK, I think my MIL has really made me paranoid.

