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Favorite TV Shows?

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  • Favorite TV Shows?

    Well, we bit the bullet and decided to get cable. We've been on this amazing budget since the Match... (we knew moving from Florida to California would be costly... and we bought a townhouse... and now we are saving to buy all new furniture...)

    I am loving all 250 channels!!! I just don't know what to watch! Since Steph is gone so much & I get so bored at night, I thought I could at least entertain myself via TV. AT&T Cable is running a great special which includes HBO free for 6 months.... which now leads me to my topic...

    I just love the Sopranos! Do any of you watch it? Also, what other TV shows do you like? I'm also excited to be able to watch Trading Spaces again...


  • #2
    Hello, my name is Julie, and I'm Sopranos addict.

    At first I was planning to avoid the show, because is seemed like just another trend. After hearing for the zillionth time how great it was, though, my boyfriend and I agreed that we would rent the DVD of the first season and see if we liked it. Now we've been averaging about an episode a day for the past month. It's kind of our evening relaxing/bonding activity. When the day's work is done, we pop in the DVD and park ourselves on the couch for an hour, sometimes with a gin and tonic, sometimes not. We're very interactive viewers--we each frequently pause the disc to interject our own little thoughts and commentary, which I think we enjoy as much or more than the show itself.

    We've gotten through seasons 1 and 2 this way, and my boyfriend's brother actually owns the box set of season 3 and has promised to mail it to us. Knowing what a procrastinator his brother is, my boyfriend's been calling him almost daily asking if he's sent it yet. Like a junkie looking for a fix. Tsk tsk.

    To a lesser degree, we have a similar relationship with the show Sex and the City, although my boyfriend won't readily admit to being a fan of that one. We're also watchers of the Simpsons/King of the Hill/Malcom in the Middle lineup as well as Survivor. And if we happen to catch Iron Chef while flipping channels, we'll stop to watch it.
    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
    Lev Grossman, The Magician King


    • #3
      We are Trading Spaces junkies--we are even considering signing up for the show with some friends of ours. We don't get HBO, so I have never seen Soprano's, but I don't think it is really my kind of show. My favorite shows are Scrub's, Everybody Loves Raymond, Reba, Jamie Kennedy Experiment, Monk, Off Center, and there is a new show we like called something "Hills" about a couple of families in the suburbs. I swear I don't watch all these shows EVERY week! With all the shows I listed, it kind of looks like I'm glued to the TV all evening!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        I don't really watch a whole lot of TV. If I'm home during the day I watch the gorp on TLC (Wedding Story, Baby Story) because it's mindless drivel.

        I love West Wing- and of course the real life versions on C-SPAN and CNN. That's pretty much it. I like Trading Spaces but I think I'm getting bored with it now.



        • #5
          WOW!!! I am so excited to meet another Sopranos fanatic! I am addicted to it, actually, I downloaded the first four episodes of the fourth season which were pirated on the net (, gotta love it) and watched all of them in two days. I think the fourth one comes on tonight, so I am all caught up now.

          Jason and i were watching SNL last night, and I SWEAR that the guitarist for the E Street Band is on the Sopranos- as Silvio. I was going to read up on it and find out.

          We live in the same neighborhood as Paulie Walnuts ( seriously, I swear!!) here in Brooklyn, and although I have never had a sighting, Jason has. He drives a big old red Caddy just like on the show.
          Who is your bet for the Whackee? I think it might be Adriana.

          I just downloaded the first episode of Six Feet Under but havent watched it yet. ( I actually dont have HBO, but i do have a cable modem which makes up for it). Anyone else watch it?
          Mom to three wild women.


          • #6
            Actually, I believe the guy you are referring to is in Bruce Springsteen's E Street band.... the guy who always wears that bandana on his head...

            If you want to try something see what your Soprano name is:

            I've missed the first two shows of the new season, but caught the 3rd last night and am ready for tonight's show!

            The funniest thing... (and do others do this) after watching the Sopranos, I start to talk like them...

            a.k.a. "The Coin Operator"


            • #7
              Steven Van Zandt- aka Little Steven, perhaps one of the greatest guitarists ever. And no relation to the other Van Zandts of rock fame (Lynyrd Skynryd)

              OK- bit of a Springsteen fanatic- am flying to Houston to see the show in November!



              • #8
                We don't have HBO so no Soprano's, Sex in the City, or Six Feet Under for us. I am tempted to rent the videos once, though, to see if we should think about the extra $10 per month!
                My fave shows: Friends, ER, TLC fare, Travel channel. . .

                I must admit that my new guilty pleasure is "The Bachelor." Shameful, isn't it?


                • #9
                  We watch a lot of PBS in this household because we have only 4 channels and the munchkin demands a regular dose of Sesame Street and Caillou (sp?). In fact, when I came into work on Monday I hadn't even heard of that awful sniper in Maryland. My court reporter was like, "girl, do you even watch TV or read a newspaper?" I told her if it ain't on Barney, I don't know what's going on.

                  But....I love "The Amazing Race". Sean and I are chomping at the bit to try out for the next one. (Please grant me my delusions....they keep me going.)

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    In this household we are Friends, Scrubs and ER addicts, especially now that on Friends Rachael's baby's name is Emma.

                    Every week so far we have been rolling on the floor laughing because we have had similar things happen with our own Emma.

                    ER is starting to become a bit much for Matt to watch- to close to home or to realistic for him.

                    Scrubs is a nice release for Matt- as his internship at Colorado was very much like what they were portraying on Scrubs, not exactly like it but certain aspects.

                    Every once in a while we will watch Law&Order.

                    Gas, and 4 kids

