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big weekend plans.

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  • big weekend plans.

    For the first time in 2 and 1/2 years we are going away for the weekend without taking one of our three precious weeks of vacation time. 8O

    You read that right, dh has the entire weekend off and we are going up to Lake Superior. Although we live in Minnesota, we have never really been outside of the Twin Cities. This should be an interesting family vacation. We are going to Ashland, Wisconsin on Friday night with my girlfriend and her family. On Saturday she is running a marathon and I'm going to run a half marathon. She has been my running partner all summer but I chickened out of the marathon. I just don't feel confident enough yet. It is supposed to be rainy, windy, and 40 degrees and I'm excited about running 13.1 miles! I really SHOULD get my head checked.

    After the race, we will drive to Duluth, Minnesota for a Saturday night wedding. We have reservations at a hotel with an indoor pool and hot tub! I'm really EXCITED!



    P.S. Can anyone really take anything that I say seriously when I have Beavis to the left of my name? I thought about writing some comments about the possibility of war in IRAQ but the Avatar I choose robs me of any trace of respectability!
    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Kelly, are you running Grandma's?
    I ran that 4 years ago and it is a BEAUTIFUL race!!! It goes along Lake Superior and has gentle rolling hills. Actually, now that I think about it, I ran mine in the Spring--you must be running a different race, unless they have changed the time of year they do it.
    Anyhow, have a great race and have fun at the wedding!!!
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3

      No, this is the Whistlestop. It is time to separate the girls from the women. I've run a lot this summer, but I don't have enough 13 plus mile runs to tackle the marathon. My girlfriend is doing a "hail mary" marathon attempt. Although I have been running for 15 plus years, this is really my first long distance running season. If I had more experience under my belt, I would try the full marathon with her. I'm just trying to stay injury free.

      IF I can maintain at least a small part of this running momentum over the winter, I will try a Spring Marathon, probably Grandma's. Do you recommend this as a good first marathon? My continuing to run is a huge "if" because treadmill running feels like punishment. Outside running will be difficult because we regularly get a couple feet of snow and below 20 degree weather. Nonetheless, I REALLY want to finish at least one marathon in this lifetime. Even if it takes me 5 plus hours, I want to do this. I may just continue to sign up for whatever races I can find this Winter. Races make me feel obligated to go and run and prepare for them by training. Who knows what will happen? I just don't want to lose this momentum.

      What marathons have you run? Didn't you say that you qualified or wanted to qualify for Boston at one time? 8) Very cool! (I'm NOT worthy!) Wouldn't you know that I just got to this level and now we're talking about having another baby? With trying to conceive, pregnancy, and nursing that puts this goal wayyyyy out there into the future. I guess that this is the way it goes.

      Do you still run? When is the next marathon, or at least, race? Don't restrict yourself by feeling that you have to run at your old times. I am running so much better and farther now that I have given up my expectations about time and walk breaks. It is a huge paradox isn't it? Giving up on my expectations made me meet and exceed them. All I know is that I'm totally hooked on this sport. Talk running to me anytime!

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        Hi Kelly,
        Yes, I highly recommend Grandma's for the first marathon. It is medium-sized, though it has really grown since I did it from what I have heard (I ran it in 1998). Portland was my first marathon, Grandma's second, Chicago third, and Wichita, KS was my fourth. I haven't run one since October 2000--wow I just realized how long it has been for me. I ran one when my first daughter was 10 months old, mainly just to prove to myself that I could still do it. That time, my training sucked (basically consisted of running a long run on Saturday and hardly ever running throughout the week--I just didn't have time!). My expectations were just to finish and I ran my best race ever. I am itching to run another one, and thinking of training for a Spring marathon, since we are thinking of trying for another baby next summer. My training would be mainly treadmill training, since it is hard to get out of the house to run these days! I haven't qualified for Boston yet, but that is a goal of mine. So far, the fastest I have run is 4:20--that was in wichita and I know I could have done better. I was running under 9's for the first 20 miles, then a huge downpour of rain killed my last 6 miles. That is kind of a trend for me, to run great for the first 18-20 miles and then to choke! I'm going to try music next time to see if that helps. Anyhow, I say go for the marathon when you think you're ready. I can't fully describe crossing the finish line for the very first time but it is an incredible experience. It is right up there with childbirth for me (not quite though!). All of the other finishes are great too, but there is nothing like you're first! Also, you'd be surprised how quickly you can increase your distance up to 20+ miles since you are already going over 13. Have you thought of joining a team? I have trained for all of my marathons with a team, and it really helps to have others out there keeping you company for those long runs. Well, I've gone on and one long enough (can you tell I'm sort of passionate about this subject!). Good luck with your race this weekend--I'm sure you'll do great!!!
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          Kelly, you inspired me!!!
          After all this running talk, I decided to go out for a run (it has been 2 years since I have run!)--anyhow I only went about 3 miles and it killed me but it felt great to get back out there!
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            I'm SO impressed!!! GOOD LUCK at the race.

            I'm just really starting to get into running. I was never a big runner in itself although I had to run a ton for field hockey. I ran my first 5K this past September. I trained for about 6 weeks. It was really exciting! There was the Philadelphia Distance Run Half Marathon in the morning before my 5K and watching them finish gave me chills. I train by myself, but I ran the race with 3 of my friends. Two of which are much more experienced (and faster) runners and one who's just starting. I'd somewhere in between.

            I'm planning on running another 5K at the end of November. Then maybe running a 10K next. I'm going to slowly work my way up to a half marathon maybe? We'll see. I totally agree that it motivates me to get to the gym. I need a goal to work towards or else I won't make time to get to the gym. It was really satisfying to finish the race and have my boyfriend standing at the finish line snapping pictures

            Let us know how it goes!!!


            • #7
              Sue and Sharon,

              Like you Sharon, I started with a 5k and ran a s-l-o-w 32 minutes this past March after taking the winter off. Then I ran an 8 K and I felt that I had more in me. From there it was a couple of 10 Ks, then a couple of 10 milers, and now a few halfs. Before this year, I only ever ran for 30 minutes at a time! Sue, you know the secret to successful training: having a companion to train with. I get pretty bored after a couple of miles but my partner helps. As a collateral benefit, we have become great friends. She finished the marathon (her first) in 5 plus hours and now plans to trade her distance running shoes for 5Ks jaunts while she tries to conceive. Therefore, I am contemplating joining a club because these distances are too hard to go at alone. Child care will be an issue because of dh's schedule, so I'll have to work that out. With my crazy schedule, I'm lucky to get three runs a week in.

              You are so right, there is nothing better than hearing the cheers of the spectators and seeing the mile markers fly by and realizing that you have done what you didn't think you could. I carried my son over the finish line this weekend which was really neat for the both of us.

              I'm really impressed with all the different ages and body types that come out--people in wheel chairs, prosthesis, etc. I have even seen a few senior citizens pass me by in some of these races. An 82 year old finished Grandma's this year! 8O It is really neat to see some of the mother/daughter teams too. I would love to do this someday. Running really is a sport for everyone.

              As of now, I'm contemplating Cincinnati's "Flying Pig" in May or Duluth's "Grandma's" in June. I'm absolutely hooked on this sport. Hey, maybe we should try to meet at a marathon sometime! Of course, I'll see you at the start and the finish and that is about it because I do 9 and a half minute miles very comfortably. The only problem that I have is that I have to take frequent bathroom breaks during the long runs and this KILLS my time. I've tried everything from not eating at all to eating 2 hours beforehand. Nothing seems to help. Oh well, it is not like I'm trying to set a world record or anything.

              Anyway, let's talk! Go to, commit to a race, and we'll train online "together". Have you thought about trying a half or ten miler first to help build some momentum first? These are great distances and are pretty doable with a relatively low mileage base. Just a thought.
              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                Hi Kelly,
                That would be so cool to meet at a marathon! I would love to do Grandma's again or something not terribly far from the midwest. I told my husband I'm toying with the idea of training for another marathon and he didn't sound opposed (since it does take a considerable commitment on their part to be the supportive spouse on the sidelines!). Anyhow, I'll have to go to that site and see which ones are going on this spring or early summer. By the way, how did your race go? That is so neat that you carried your son across the finish line! When I ran my last marathon I got so choked up to see my 10 month old cheering me on from the sidelines that I could barely breathe! She had a little sign that said "Go Mommy Go"--it was really cute!
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9

                  Congratulations! I'm so impressed!!!!!!

                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #10

                    Because marathoning is a fabulous sport for those with obsessive tendencies , I found out what you would have to run in order to qualify for a Boston:

                    AGE Time within 12 months prior on USATF certified course
                    18-34 3hrs 40min
                    35-39 3hrs 45min

                    You are within reach! With that being said, which marathon looks good to you? Grandma's is VERY hard to get into, it closes in two days and there is no online registration. Cincinnati is in early May, so training would be difficult in these climes. However, Cinci is close to my hometown so it definitely appeals to me. Madison, Wisconsin (May 25) is also another contender. It gets pretty good reviews and is in my area.

                    Even this date means lots of treadmill training for me. However, on Tuesdays and Thursday nights in the winter, the Metrodome is opened up to runners for a buck. Maybe I can do this to supplement. Is there anything like that in your area?

                    So what is on your short list? Which will it be?

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      Hi Kelly,
                      I could go for anything in the midwest or reasonably close anyway. I'm bummed that Grandma's has such an early registration. However, I could go for Cincinnatti or Wisconcin. Have you thought about what size of marathon you want your first to be? I think it would be a better experience to choose one that is a little larger and also more established since usually small marathons don't have much spectator support, and the newer ones don't always have the bugs worked out, like water stops, porta-potties and whatnot. Looks like the ones you are looking at fit both of those criteria anyway, but just thought I'd mention it.
                      Yikes, I better start running more--I need to get my mileage up!
                      Did you say you are on a running team?
                      Awake is the new sleep!


                      • #12
                        No, I'm not on a running team, but I am contemplating joining one now that my partner is on temporary hiatus.

                        One of my biggest objectives with running is remaining injury free. There is a great web site that offers a more nurturing approach to training. I really love this guy's philosophy. He seems to understand that the typical runner has to squeeze in runs around his/her life and not the other way around.

                        There is enough time remaining in the season to get into a late fall 5 or 10K. Check out for local races. I'm running another ten miler on Nov. 3, weather permitting. Then I'll face the task of overcoming winter inertia. I finally bought some goretex tights, so this should help a little.

                        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                        • #13
                          I just emailed a guy that has a local running team that I ran on several years ago--his next program to train for a Spring/Summer marathon starts in mid-January. He told me I should be up to running 8 to 10 miles comfortably by then--I better get in gear! My one and only run I have done in the last year is 3.5 miles!!! I feel pretty confident that I can be ready by January, though. I mentioned training for another marathon to my sisters and they want to do the San Diego "Rock 'n Roll" marathon--have you thought about that one? I hate to fly (I'm terrified actually) so I'm a little hesitant, however that marathon is pretty much downhill all the way and apparently they have music at every mile!
                          Awake is the new sleep!


                          • #14

                            San Diego does sound intriguing. June 1 is a realistic date for a training program as well. My best friend lives in Hunington Beach, so I could probably make this an affordable venture. I even like that this course is open for 7 hours. I know, I know, I'm hoping to finish before then but since I've never done it, I'd rather have more than enough time to finish.

                            My only concern is that it did get some poor reviews on Marathon I went to the web site but I didn't see the elevation chart. I guess that I'm asking for verification that it is downhill!!!!

                            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                            • #15
                              Do they have an official website?--if so it should have an elevation chart. It is a relatively new marathon (I think the first year was -98 or -99) so I know the first year especially did not go well. I'll see if I can find a website that have some more info.
                              Awake is the new sleep!

