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  • $595.00!!!!!

    My hubby has to take his step 3 test in December so that we will be able to moonlight after this year! The cost--- a whopping $595.00! That is a CRIME! I would like to see a breakdown of how this fee is spent...Puhleeze!

    Isn't Step III a multiple choice (scantron) at a commercial testing facility? The Ohio Bar cost less than $700 and that included a criminal and background check, a personal interview, an extensive application process, the grading of 12 handwritten essays by an attorney, a federal multiple choice exam, and the use of a 3 day facility. $700, while expensive, could at least be explained. But $595 for a standardized test..... UGH~!


    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Disgusting isn't it?!

    I think if I remember correctly it is going to cost Matt about $600 to take Step 3. He opted not to do it this year mainly because of the cost, and he decided not to "moonlight" during his anesthesia residency here in WA. For him to "moonlight" he would have to take out his own malpractice insurance. That alone was the factor for him NOT to moonlight. In addition to that he would have to get medically licensed in WA, get approval from the dept, etc. It was going to be a pain.

    The real kicker though is the cost for Matt's oral and written boards to become board certified in anesthesia. There is a deadline he has to comply with- he has to have his application completed and mailed by Dec 15 of his R4 year. The application fee is $2300!!! 8O I would like to know where that money goes... Essentially we have a year and a half to save that money up, which is what we have started doing along with his Step 3 exam.

    Note to Robin and others doing anesthesia residencies- start saving now for the board certification!!

    Gas, and 4 kids


    • #3
      Rick's step three cost about that much too! Nice, huh? He did get his license in Indiana because it's less expensive than most other states. (In the military it doesn't matter where you are licensed!)



      • #4
        Thanks for the tip Crystal!!!! Holy Cow!!!! It's not like we haven't already spent a fortune for school.... sigh .... not to mention cheap labor during residency.

        Time to start saving. I didn't know that you had to pay your own malpractice insurance to moonlight. That puts a kink in things.



        • #5
          apparently some hospitals with moonlighters give them malpractice least in dc, according to my husband.

          does anyone know the cost of IM boards? we just got a note that you can save $300 if you sign up before 12/1...


          • #6
            I know that is the rule here at the Univ of WA. I believe at the Univ of CO the ER dept would provide for it. So different schools have different policies. Some dept might provide malpractice for moonlighting. I just know that UW doesn't.

            Gas, and 4 kids


            • #7
              DH moonlighted for 2 1/2 years during his residency at 4 different hospitals here in Ohio 3 of them paid for malpractice insurance and the 4th took $7 per hour from his check to cover it. In Emergency Medicine there are 3 parts to Board Certification and each one costs $750. Luckily it is a 3 year process and his CME money pays for it each time.


              • #8
                We just found out that the medicine boards will cost $905 for a two day exam in August. Joy of all joys. We'd better start saving now. It's just ridiculous!!!

