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  • Vacation

    Well, tomorrow at this time, my husband and I will be headed to the airport for our trip to HAWAII!!!!!!

    And, except for my plane ticket, the Air Force is paying for pretty much the whole thing!

    This vacation is much needed -- especially after the past week. (A single word sums up most of the trouble -- rotavirus!) My husband and I are both exhausted and somewhat demoralized about how well we are doing as spouses and as parents. It will be good to recharge. We are going, in part, for a military medical meeting, and will be seeing some old friends, so that will be fun. My husband will also be meeting with the assignments officer to see if we can get another assignment for the final two years that we owe Uncle Sam. Here's hoping!

    I am a little nervous about leaving my boys, but my mother-in-law is coming in today to stay with them and she really does a great job. I wish everyone had a mother-in-law like her. I will miss them, but I know I will be a better mommy once I have had some time away. Hopefully my husband and I can have some fun and pretend we don't have any responsibilities, at least for a week. Things have not been easy for either of us since we moved up here, so hopefully this break will help us put the past year and four months behind us and give us the strength for whatever lies ahead.

    So, I'll "see" you all when I get back!

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."

  • #2

    I couldn't be happier for you guys! A trip can make life more worth living. I attribute vacations as one of the factors that has helped to keep this marriage going, really. It is an absolute priority in this household. You go girl.

    Your boys will be fine. Really. I'm sure that you MIL will pull out all of her best grandma tricks and they will all have a ball. Don't even think twice about it. (If you are choking right now because of the hipocrisy of my giving this advice, it is completely understandable! ) But, at the end of the day, how wonderful for your children to know the love and care of another adult. This will help them achieve self confidence and independence. They will know that someone else besides mom can meet their needs. But don't be afraid, mom will always remain number one. (Can you tell that I've had to chant this to myself as I've boarded the plane?)

    So go to Hawaii, party like rockstars, and take a much deserved break.


    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3

      You know that I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you guys! Wow the assignments guy!!! (Chocolates, dancing girls, straight cash....haha)

      Enjoy the time away. Your kids will be fine- actually if I recall correctly, when my grandparents came to watch us while my parents went away, we had a GREAT time. Bad TV, Good Food and the undivided attention of two people who thought everything we did was fabulous. Can't beat that!

      Go get 'lai'ed'!



      • #4

        Have a GREAT time, Sally! You deserve this!!!!! Take lots of pictures...I want to live vicariously through you!!!!

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5

          Have a WONDERFUL trip!!!! I want to live vicariously through you too!!!

          Your kids will be spoiled and happy. ENJOY!



          • #6
            Thanks you guys. It is nice to have "cyber-support"! My mother-in-law is here and I am relaxing already. No one has thrown up so far today. Things are definitely looking up!

            I will tell you all about it (most of it, anyway ) when I get back.

            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • #7
              That's awesome! We leave for vacation as well on 10/25 to go to Hawaii. We are going with my inlaws so it will be nice to have alone time with Matt. They adore Emma.

              I'm sure you won't get this until after you get back. Did you guys stay in the Hale Koa? That's where we are staying as Matt is Air National Guard, and I am the daughter of a retired Marine Corps officer.

              Hope you had a great time!
              Gas, and 4 kids

