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We're all sick. It has to be DH's fault, right?

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  • We're all sick. It has to be DH's fault, right?

    He must be bringing home cooties. I've been trading illnesses with all three kids, and he is his usual perky and healthy self. Grrrrrrrrr!

    I am so done with winter, cooties, and snow. :banghead:

  • #2
    Re: We're all sick. It has to be DH's fault, right?

    It IS his fault. Every time DH switched to peds, he would come home with some nasty bug that I would suffer through for months.

    I have always dreamed of building a house with a decon chamber - you know - a bathroom right off the garage with a washer and dryer. MY dream is that the shoes will remain in the garage, DH will place his clothes in the washer, shower the hospital/clinic funk off and walk into the house cootie free.

    Yes, THAT is my dawkter's wife dream...someday...someday...
    Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


    • #3
      Re: We're all sick. It has to be DH's fault, right?

      I slept on the sofa over the weekend to keep away from DH and whatever the heck it was that he had, flu like symptoms but lasted 36 hours. I run like heck when he is sick, cause he can barely call in sick for himself, and I would have to be on my death bed for him to call in sick to help me.

      Yep, their fault, that's what they get for wanting to be doctors


      • #4
        Re: We're all sick. It has to be DH's fault, right?

        I have always dreamed of building a house with a decon chamber - you know - a bathroom right off the garage with a washer and dryer. MY dream is that the shoes will remain in the garage, DH will place his clothes in the washer, shower the hospital/clinic funk off and walk into the house cootie free.

        Yes, THAT is my dawkter's wife dream...someday...someday...
        DS's old ped did have one! She demanded a shower in the garage, and he and the kids had to clean up to come inside. LOL, that is one VERY smart woman!


        • #5
          Re: We're all sick. It has to be DH's fault, right?

          Julie, don't blame your DH.....blame all of the gomers who think a cold warrants a visit to the ER.

          I hope everyone is on the mend soon!

