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  • Easter

    I'm missing all of Easter due to my cousin's bridal shower. I've already made up Nikolai's basket though.

    I'm sure they'll go out for brunch.


  • #2
    Re: Easter

    We're going back home to visit family-- my mom puts on a huge easter egg hunt, for just us... There are only 6 kids, so everyone gets lots of eggs. It is one of the most *profitable* egg hunts for Kate, b/c Mom puts money in about half of the eggs.

    We dye easter eggs, and hopefully someone will roast a lamb. Even though my little bro doesn't like lamb. If not, just a family dinner with ham and too many kids running around making too much noise...

    Good times.

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


    • #3
      Re: Easter

      We'll be out of town on Easter, at my parent's in Alabama. Easter happens to be said step-mother's favorite holiday so I'm sure she'll have decorations, egg-dying etc. We'll go to church with my parents on Easter morning and then go to Easter dinner (lunch)/egg hunt at my step-sister's, she's hosting a big family get-together. I am relieved that we'll be somewhere warm for Easter, I was wondering how to do light cotton little girls' Easter dresses and white dress shoes in the snow.

      My step-mom tells me that the azaleas are starting to bloom in her back yard. Ahhh, relief is on the way. I love azalea backgrounds for Easter pictures!


      • #4
        Re: Easter

        Well, I think that I may attempt egg coloring with DS... Any tips on egg coloring with dye that washes out??

        I would also like to have a small egg hunt with my girlfriend and her kids...

        Last year I took DS to an easter egg hunt. He was really small (15 months) and we didn't do any "hunting" just basically watched all the kids run around collecting eggs. I don't think I'll take him back to that egg hunt this year because there were a lot of bigger kids (school aged) that were super excited and the scene took on a "mob mentality," if you know what I mean. I have a feeling that if we went this year, DS would still be too small to outrun any other kids.. Maybe next year.

        As far as dinner goes, I'm hosting. I'll make a ham and all the fixin's. Should be fun!
        Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


        • #5
          Re: Easter

          We'll do an egg hunt and baskets for the kids. I put together their baskets, and I never buy the premade ones, because I can put what I want to in baskets I make for less money. We fill all the eggs and hide them around the house or in the back yard depending on the weather. I'll make ham and a cheesy potato casserole.
          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


          • #6
            Re: Easter

            We will be in Disney minus DH so we will skip all the Easter stuff.


            • #7
              Re: Easter

              As of yet we haven't made any special plans. Probably just church and a nice ham dinner at home. DH is in the middle of a pediatric surgery rotation and has to be at the hospital at 5:15am. So no traveling for us this year. They are also requiring overnight call so he will be pretty burnt out quickly.

              I figure I will make up a nice meal and we can do an egg hunt around the house... Nothing fancy because I simply don't have the energy for it.


              • #8
                Re: Easter

                We're hosting both sides of the family...the first time I've ever tried something like this. (Uh, Hello, Honeybaked Ham?) We're going to lunch with the bunny next Saturday and I'll try to do an egg hunt here on Easter day. What is the officially accepted beverage for the Easter hostess, BTW?

                In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                • #9
                  Re: Easter

                  We have our church egg hunt on Palm Sunday. As for Easter day, probably just attending our church service and maybe lunch with my in-laws...DH probably will be working that day. I've been getting together a little Easter basket for DD.


                  • #10
                    Re: Easter

                    My church has an egg hunt the saturday before Easter, so we'll do that. Then on Easter the kiddos and I will go to church in the morning. DH is working so I don't know when he will be home, but as it is DS's b-day to I'm still trying to figure out how to celebrate the day. We will dye eggs as well, and definately have Easter baskets!

